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Hi Everyone,
I'm a little concerned about the performance of the Xperia Z1 camera.
I had read already in some reviews that the pictures are not too sharp and the colours are washed, but now i have experienced it myself.
This camera should be way better than the camera in the iPhone 5, but i'm getting sharper images and more realistic colours with the iPhone. There is a lot of noise in the Z1 pictures, the Superior Auto mode is not getting things right, neither in focus, picture sharpness or colors.
I was expecting this camera to be very sharp and accurate, but i found out it's not near that. As per all the effort Sony has put in advertising the Z1 camera, i think we should get a software update and improve the camera a lot.
Do you think this is a software problem? Every Xperia Z1 review i've read points that out.
This is just one example, but how many bad photos, headphones were pokvariile after a month and I have not used them 4 times ..... we gave a lot of money for nothing
shame for Sony
nothing has changed after upgrading, here you see any images, any image you can not take pictures, not to paint several times to make it look good, the picture looks as plastic as Photoshop,
I should not like to work with 20-megapixel camera ..
nokija has much better focus and sharpness even the smaller pixels
that's the problem here I do not know but the images veri bad
This is just one example, but how many bad photos, headphones were broken after a month and I have not used them 4 times ..... we gave a lot of money for nothing
shame for Sony
@n77ns wrote:This is just one example, but how many bad photos, headphones were pokvariile after a month and I have not used them 4 times ..... we gave a lot of money for nothing
shame for Sony
An example of what ? what exactly am i looking at here that you do not like.
Hi LuciToma, I really love your picture.
Below picture was captured in very low light condition, with Night SCN mode.
Hello, and thank you Mr.Lu your picture is really nice
Did you use pro capture ...or stock camera?
Yup, i noticed that too. I believe thats the BIONZ processing algorithm which in my opinion is overprocessing the images. Hopefully they'll fix it on the .114 fw that is about to be release or maybe in kitkat.
so you can not say that all good pictures, when the only good one in three or five images? others are blurry or poorly, Sony has to solve this problem, if we paid a lot, it should not be like other manufacturers ,
do not understand how people do not realize that they really did not do a good job? everything is just good marketing to sell the phone, and then you get something else than what you expect
I have to agree that the BIONZ processor can have something to do with the bad photos. But the thing is that Sony mobile team hear in Sweden told me that BIONZ only work in SA and in 8mp mode in manual.
Hi LuciToma, thank you.
I only use stock camera. I'd like to try with different mode in stock camera to enhance my use experience of Z1, it is great fun to use. When I think the picture is bad, I will try to find way to make it better.