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Xperia 1 availability


Xperia 1 availability

Hello everyone and thank you for showing interest in the Xperia 1! Slightly_smiling_Face

The Xperia 1 will be available in select markets from late Spring 2019.

For availability in your market, please visit your Local Sony Mobile website at

Make sure to select your local page by clicking the country selector at the bottom left of the page.

133 REPLIES 133

More good news! Slightly_smiling_Face

First stock expected in the UK on May 30th

I think with that expected timing, we'll see a lot of pre-order options going live by this weeks or next week's end


When will pre-orders for the XPERIA 1 be open in South Africa? I've been waiting for an upgrade since the XZ3, but it was never released in South Africa. And now it's taking forever and a day Confounded_Face for the XPERIA 1 to be released. I really need to upgrade. I'm getting really impatient now. Pouting_Face


I'm sorry but no one knows


Pl tell us approximate date and month for release of Sony xperia 1, if you say 'this fall, or next' spring ', nobody will understand when it's going to be released,if you are posting something about imobile phones, keeping in mind the international  readers you have to post !

Xperia 1 will be released in many regions beginning on 30th may, 

Pre orders for those regions on various networks began today.

But this is a regional thing so you should check your local retailer sites to see if the pre order is active/ release date confirmed.


I have check the official retailer site of sony in UAE and i could see the last phone sony launch in UAE is xperia XZ2 not even XZ2 premium that means sonh fan in UAE are not getting chance to hands on sony greatest phone Xperia 1. Please any one suggest where i can buy xperia 1 in UAE and India


It's been announced for July 12th in the USA. I'm out, Sony. Don't announce phones half a year before they are available. You lost my money, Sony. 


I know, if I wasn't such a stupid fan, I would never buy a Sony phone, they just do everything to stop people from buying. I wonder if they would be more successful if they hired one person to work in marketing.

Sometimes it's not enough to make great products... Especially in 2019.

But I will still buy it even if I'm so pissed at Sony as a loyal loving fan.

Sony, you need to appear to care about your products for others to care about them!


Why you guys keep your fans upset, I was waiting for the xz2 premium to be available in the middle east for more than 6 month then I heard that the xz2 premium will not be available in the middle east while I already bought many covers and accessories for the phone online and I just throw them and bought the Samsung Note 9.

Now I'm waiting for the xperia 1 from the time announced and it's really took long time and I'm afraid that will not be available in the middle east too.

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