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Xperia 1 availability


Xperia 1 availability

Hello everyone and thank you for showing interest in the Xperia 1! Slightly_smiling_Face

The Xperia 1 will be available in select markets from late Spring 2019.

For availability in your market, please visit your Local Sony Mobile website at

Make sure to select your local page by clicking the country selector at the bottom left of the page.

133 REPLIES 133

I was so excited until I found out I'll have to wait 3-4 months, now I'm just annoyed...  I was expecting to pre-order it on Monday, the way every respectable product unveiling works.

Do you have any info on the release date in the UK? The website doesn't mention it... 


Hi @LukaStemberger!

I'm afraid that I don't have any specific release date for any market at the moment, only that it will be released in late Spring.

I can see that the device is listed on the UK website though, so it will be released there, but apart from that, I don't have any information. Hopefully there will be some more shortly with a more exact date, or that retailers/the eShop have it up for pre-order, as they in most cases also have a date for when it will be released when pre-order is live.


Yeah, thanks. I was really excited and wanted to get it straight away, but now it will be in the middle of generations, so I might as well wait another 6 months for a Snapdragon 865 model. Not worth it to spend 850£ to be half a generation behind... 


This release schedule is what causes Sony phone's sales to drop among others dubious technical choices...

How can the X1 be sold as good as you want if it's available only months after presenting it and unveiling its successor right away? This is a non sens seriously 🙄


I'm a die hard Sony fan... Whenever I have an option to buy a Sony product I go for it...

I was ready to press the button an pre-order the phone on Monday when it was announced, but what's the point of announcing it now and releasing it in June, it will be old news by then!

If I want a current generation device right now, I would have to go with the Galaxy if I don't mind spending or with something incredible, but cheap like the Vivo IQOO, both are available in a few days.

Just because I'm pretty sure I'll go with a Sony next time, chances are I'll buy the Vivo now. It's 1/3 of the price of the X1, has a larger battery and more RAM... It's even more likely to be safely rootable and will be able to run the Google Camera... The only downside is that stupid notch.

I hope the Xperia 2 will be more current, and also what's the deal with such tiny batteries in Sony phones, who cares about that 1mm more thickness...

Thanks but I'll pass. 

If it was available now definitely yes, but by the time it hits the shelves I'll loose my interest and I'll be able to get same quality phone for 30% less.

Also, good luck peddling this phone in the UK for £849 in late May or early June. By that time Galaxy s10 will cost £500...


I always thought Sony is deliberately making bad choices in the Mobile devision because the semiconductor business is making so much money that they don't want to step on the toes of other manufacturers who are their buyers...

I really want to know if that's true because it just makes zero sense for such an experienced and successful company to constantly keep making bad moves.

Smaller, more agile companies start selling phones with the new platform in January, All major manufacturers in March, and then Sony comes up in June sooo late to the party. What? Why? I really want this phone 😕

Even if Sony phones have really bad thermal design, unpolished gimmics and even if you made me buy a wireless charger for the XZ3 and are now taking it away. Even for 800£, I would still buy in now. But in June? Whoever thought this was a good idea should be fired.


I wish they would make it available at TMobile.


Seriously though? Is there not even a pre order date (in in the UK btw)

Cant afford to wait until June for a new phone and right now, the Sony is the only phone that fits my requirements of no notch/cutout, stereo speakers and waterproofing 

I did hear that it might come out in April via the Carphpne Warehouse blog  and I heard on Sumahoinfo they have pushed forward the release 

I just hope it comes out by the end of this month though

any update on release date for us folk in the UK?