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Does Xperia 1 use Samsung's camera sensor?


Does Xperia 1 use Samsung's camera sensor?

I just read an article that 3 out of 4 (3 in back 1 in front, total 4) camera sensors on Xperia 1 are non-Sony's but Samsung's.

Not that using other suplier's sensor is deal breaker for me, but I just would like to know the fact.

So dear support team, could you tell me what kind of camera sensor(s) Xperia 1 has?

And if possile, could you also tell me why Sony starts using non-Sony sensors?


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Hello everyone!

We’re sorry. Although we understand the question you have regarding this specification detail, the company has taken the decision not to disclose this information.

View solution in original post


@Jonyny wrote:

I just read an article that 3 out of 4 (3 in back 1 in front, total 4) camera sensors on Xperia 1 are non-Sony's but Samsung's.

Not that using other suplier's sensor is deal breaker for me, but I just would like to know the fact.

So dear support team, could you tell me what kind of camera sensor(s) Xperia 1 has?

And if possile, could you also tell me why Sony starts using non-Sony sensors?

Can you post scource link? I can't find any information about that. As i know untill now Samsung used Sony's lens and ect. Was  talk about batteries from Sony after blowed up Samsungs Note 7 or Galaxy 7 i don't remember. But Samsung's sensor in Xperia's...? I don't think. But maybe... Need source.

I found that source which telling that Samsung will use in foldable Sony's sensor futher Slightly_smiling_Face

It may answer to yours question, it's unofficial, but may be true and Slightly_smiling_Face


It doesn't say Samsung but very likely non-Sony' since only 1 of those 4 cameras  has Exmor.

Also, Xperia 10/10 Plus's 2 sensors out of 3 are confirmed to be Samsung's

Anyway, since support doesn't "deny" this possibility, I would say it is very likely true.

@Jonyny wrote:

It doesn't say Samsung but very likely non-Sony' since only 1 of those 4 cameras  has Exmor.

Also, Xperia 10/10 Plus's 2 sensors out of 3 are confirmed to be Samsung's

Anyway, since support doesn't "deny" this possibility, I would say it is very likely true.

Exmor is Sony's camera technology - Slightly_smiling_Face

Sony's don't using Samsung's sensors. Sony's sensors using a lot of companies: from Samsung to Lenovo, from Motorola to LG and ect. (see link below - example). Sony is one of leaders in games market with Playstation console. Sony is one of leader in TVs market with theirs Bravia TVs. Sony also is one of leaders in soundspeakers and offcourse in cameras market even with mirror cameras and ect., so is will be strange if will be use Samsung's sensors in theirs smartphones, even when they are leaders in this market. Also i linked article's links where is written about Samsung's foldable model which will be use Sony's sensors. So i'm sure Sony's don't using Samsung's sensors. Will be weird if will be use Slightly_smiling_Face

Example: Slightly_smiling_Face

And finally last links which must to help you to relax - IMX486 as you can see is Sony's sensor, which is mentioned in yours link with screenshot - and offcial Sony Mobile web site - see in camera is mentioned Exmor RSTM for mobile memory-stacked sensor, as i mentioned Exmor is Sony's sensor Slightly_smiling_Face


EUPHORIC, I don't think you are seeing my points.

1. unless the screenshot is fake, Xperia 10/10 Plus does use two samsung's sensors as the screenshot shows.

2. With Xperia 1, only one sensor has "Exmor" on spec, while all camera sensors of XZ series (including rear and front) had Exmor label.

So I'm not sure if it's Samgung's but it's almost certain that Xperia 1's 3 out of 4 sensors are non-SONY's, unless SONY has non-Exmor sensors which is very unlikely.

Anyway, let's wait for answer from official support team.

@Jonyny wrote:

EUPHORIC, I don't think you are seeing my points.

1. unless the screenshot is fake, Xperia 10/10 Plus does use two samsung's sensors as the screenshot shows.

2. With Xperia 1, only one sensor has "Exmor" on spec, while all camera sensors of XZ series (including rear and front) had Exmor label.

So I'm not sure if it's Samgung's but it's almost certain that Xperia 1's 3 out of 4 sensors are non-SONY's, unless SONY has non-Exmor sensors which is very unlikely.

Anyway, let's wait for answer from official support team.

This is yours questions:"So dear support team, could you tell me what kind of camera sensor(s) Xperia 1 has?" i'm right? Answer is: Xperia 1 have Sony's sensors if my previous answer wasn't to clear for you. Topic is closed 🙂 


"Xperia 1 have Sony's sensors"

So you are certain Xperia 1 has more than one SONY"S sensors? 

I'm aware Xperia 1 does use at least one SONY sensor, and I never questioned that.

Please read carefully and do not divert the question.

My question was:

Does Xperia 1 has camera sensor(s) made by Samsung or supplier other than SONY?

@Jonyny wrote:

"Xperia 1 have Sony's sensors"

So you are certain Xperia 1 has more than one SONY"S sensors? 

I'm aware Xperia 1 does use at least one SONY sensor, and I never questioned that.

Please read carefully and do not divert the question.

My question was:

Does Xperia 1 has camera sensor(s) made by Samsung or supplier other than SONY?

Xperia 1 have Sony's sensor, it's ok now? Check web site official of Xperia 1 which i posted. All information is in it. You looking for problem where is not it. Have a nice day, i answered into your question 🙂 


why do you think it's a problem if Xperia 1 has non-SONY sensor? 
Did I ever say so?

As I said, I just want to know the fact.

If you don't have the answer to question and are not interested in the question I'm asking, please just ignore the thread.

You have no right to decide if the topic is closed or not.

@Jonyny wrote:

why do you think it's a problem if Xperia 1 has non-SONY sensor? 
Did I ever say so?

As I said, I just want to know the fact.

If you don't have the answer to question and are not interested in the question I'm asking, please just ignore the thread.

You have no right to decide if the topic is closed or not.

I posted official Sony Mobile web site where is written that Xperia 1 have Exmor sensor which is Sony's sensor. Topic just you can close and Sony Mobile community administration with moderates. "Topic is closed" it's just expression. I like to say like this. Answer i posted to you, it's not my problem if you can't understand it and always asking for nothing. It's problem if user need help, but you can call it how you want. I'm done with you. If say honest i don't understand what do you want if to you was posted official Sony's information? Why you still looking for something if was everything written in Sony Mobile web site?