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Z3 Compact won't connect to PC via USB


Z3 Compact won't connect to PC via USB

My phone simply doesn't connect to my PC. It doesn't even charge. It's like it isn't connected. Already tried to connect to other computers, and it worked. Also tried to connect other devices to my PC, and they worked. Another thing that I noticed is that when I start my computer, the phone recognizes the connection and starts to charge, but as soon as Windows starts, the connection is lost, like if the USB cable was disconnected. Still, when I disconnect and reconnect the cable, the PC Companion acts like if a device was connected to the computer and tries to find the phone, but fails.
I have Windows 7, if it matters.
Thanks for your attention.

My device is OK now my PC finally recognised my device. After a few days you may want to wait for a week until it recognises your device.

Glad to hear that it works now Slightly_smiling_Face

It's still strange though that you got that message. If you have alot of media stored in the phone or the SD card it might take a little while when you connect it for the first time but you should not see that message. In case you should see it again i would recommend that you have the phone checked at a service location just to make sure it's not an issue with your phone.


This one worked for me after quite

Deleting and reinstalling through device manager. 


Tried everything.  Nothing working.

1. Downloaded PC software

2. Windows 8.1 OS on PC

3. No connection

It charges when the phone is switched off.  It does not connect or charge when the phone is on.

Please help....  this is quite annoying


Are you for real?  

What has media player got to do with the connection between my PC and my z3 compact? 


I experienced the same problem, namely, that my phone would not charge when connected to the pc.

For me the following solution worked (I'm not sure if the names below are an exact reproductivity of the Dutch names my phone is using):

Settings --> Xperia Connectivity --> USB-connection --> USB-connection mode --> select Mass storage mode (MSC) (instead of 'default' MTP)

Hope this works for you guys as well!


I cleared the data in Media Storage, (it turned out my connectivity issue was unrelated to that: I just needed to change my connectivity setting to from Mass Storage to MTP) but now my Gallery app won't show the photos and videos that are on my phone. It shows new ones I have taken, but not ones that existed prior to clearing the Media Storage data. They're definitely still on my phone because I can see the files in File Manager.
Now I can't transfer the photos to my computer because Sony PC Companion can't see them either, and I don't have an SD card, so Pc companion is the only option.
So, is there a way to make the Gallery app re-scan my phone for pictures and videos? I tried clearing data for the Gallery app. Didn't work.

I too have had similar problems with phone connecting through USB 

It was working fine for a few months and then after one of the updates, the phone connects but does not charge and I c annot see the phone storage on the PC - This has been going on now for several weeks and updating, re-installing software etc did not help 

I found that if I powered the phone off and then plugged in, at least it would still charge from the  PC USB 

Then today, I spotted this forum topic, installed USBDview from Nirsoft, Disabled & re-enabled the SONY device (which was Red)  It then changed to Green and charges the phone and appears again in PC devices!   Slightly_smiling_Face 

Thanks for the advice msonur - all is now well again 



After clearing data for the app called Media Storage, you need to restart your phone. It will then scan all your media files again.


Thank you, this worked for me.


Try clearing data for the app called Media Storage under Settings -> Apps -> All and then restart the phone and see if that helps.