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Hi, My internal memory on my z is getting full. On trying to transfer to sd card, The phone states 'unfortunately, settings has stopped.' Can you help???
Hi shelby76
are you using third app to do this ??
>how much space available on phone now ?? try using APPmgrIII , i use same for my phone, which helps in managing Space on phone
>there will be cache memory on almost all apps on phone try to clear cache
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First of all try to remove your SD card for a while and put it back in. If the behavior still persists, try to move the data to SD card when you are in safe mode:
If the problem persists in safe mode, connect your phone to the PC and transfer all the data from the SD card to the PC. Then format the SD card by right click on it > format. (All data on SD card will be deleted).
Disconnect the phone, restart the phone and try again.
In my case the problem were a few files created by DS Photo+ third party application. The files had characters within their names (colons) that are not allowed on FAT filesystems but are allowed on Linux/Android filesystems. This is why the app was able to save them on the Internal Storage but then the phone was not able to move them to the SD Card since SD Cards use FAT filesystem.
Find and delete malformed files using file manager application (for eg. File Commander). After that transfer to SD Card worked like a charm again.
For reference: list of illegal characters for FAT filesystems: \ / : * ? " < > |
im trying to transfer my data to sd card, but it keeps popping out file transfer interrupted.... what should i do to fix it? please help me because my internal almost full
What file are you about the transfer to your SD card, did you try using FIle Commander to do that?
I was getting this every time I tried the 'transfer to SD card' function. Simlpy going to storage and unmounting, then remounting the SD card fixed it for me 🙂
Use the file commander app