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Z5 notifications have disappeared


Z5 notifications have disappeared

I've got a z5, my notifications have disappeared completely. The sounds are working but I can't see anything, not even when I drag the bar down. I've went into settings and they are all set to work so it's not that. I've restarted phone and stuff, not too sure what to do.
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Hi @Talcher22, welcome to our community!

I'm sorry to hear about that, I understand this must be very frustrating. Slightly_frowning_Face

Does this happen with all applications, even the pre-installed ones, such as the messaging application?

If it happens with all apps, could you please try and reboot your phone in safe mode and send a text message to yourself and see if you are able to see the notification while in safe mode (make sure that after you have sent the text message that you press the home screen quickly so you don't have the messaging application on your screen)?

Make sure that the messaging application isn't blocked from sending notifications, you can check that if you go to Settings > Sound & notifications > App notifications > "All" > Messaging.

Let me know how it goes! Slightly_smiling_Face