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z3 indicating a text message, even tho there isn't any new


z3 indicating a text message, even tho there isn't any new

I have an issue that my default (standard) text message application shows it's 1 unread text message, but there isnt. This happened after i had a failure to download a MMS message. I have deleted the threads that beholds the mms's, but that didn't help much

I have done soft reset too, no help. Even tried to download other sms app, and sat that to default no luck there either.

But i found something on Samsung support about badge provider, but i cant find that settings in my settings - application - all list.

any other had issues like this, or even better know how i can remove the 1 overlay on the default app, so i dont get any more annoyed

cheers for help


Just run into this very same issue today.

I have never had one single problem with the phone, just love it (I've had for a few months now).

Today, a friend of mine sent me (via SMS) a message that contained a .vcf contact as an attachment from his iPhone address book. 

Although I think that this type of message might actually be technically an MMS type of message 

Ever since receiving that, I cannot (permanently) get rid of the following 2 notifications.... 

   The first is the little number over the message icon (i'm using the stock messaging app).

   The second is the notification of a new message in the top notification area. 

I have deleted All the texts I have sent my friend today and that he has sent me today....

still shows a "1 new message received"

I deleted the entire conversation with (every single message to and from) my friend, still no joy on those notifications.

If I get any other new message from anyone, the new message counter seems to just increment from the 1st 'phantom' message

(in other words, now when I get 1 new message, I'm told I have 2!).

In the 'Messaging' apps settings: 

I could disable the notification option

I have cleared the Data and Data Cache

In the "Xperia Home" app settings

I have cleared the Data and Data Cache

Warning, this removes all shortcuts and folders you may have on the home screen, and returns the home screens/desktops to default settings.

I have restarted the phone.

These notifications sometimes appear to have correctly reset when I clear the cache or other data.... as soon as either I start up the stock messaging app or reboot the phone, I am once again notified of this phantom 'new' message again in exactly the same way as before, so all of my efforts came to nothing.

It is clearly cached somewhere else in some other app or service that has not been mentioned.

I have read of other handset users (Samsung) having similar problems but they had some success resetting, via a service related to a system "Badge provider" or the SMSPush service. Clearing the data or cache on one or both of those serviceson that handset appears to have worked for those users. 

What would the similar solution on the Sony Xperia be for this badge provider service?


 Not any news on this issue ?

I fear only solution is to do a complete restore to dafault.


Are you guys using any other application that is related to messaging? What you could try is to clear data once again so the notification disappear. When it's gone, boot the phone into safe mode and see if this notification for messaging appear while the phone is in safe mode:


Hi again.

I booted the phone into safe mode, and removed data in both sections messaging and xperia home. upon reboot the phantom icon is gone, but when i enter the messagin app and exit again, its back. Same goes if i get someone to text me before i enter the app, it will show 2 new and when i read the one that came in it will still show 1 unread.

no other messaging apps installed on phone.


A little update.

I might have found the solution now.

I actually installed a third parity sms app to see if i could find out some more regarding this issue. I installed Go SMS from the market. In there i found the "phantom" message, a MMS from an unknown sender with an error code 4503 i think. I deleted it in there.

Went into settings - application - all - messages and removed all data.

rebootet phone, turned the default sms application back to standard. And the phantom notification is gone. I have been recieving more sms after this and now it appears to be correct. 


Once this happened to me also, no msg were there in starting, but wen i gone downwards, its was saved between 16 days earlier messages, coz wen i downloaded it, my date was wrong, so my mobiles saved it on that day which were set.



I've got an issue with unreadable SMS/MMS. All my SMS are checked as read, but looks like one of them not.

I can't find it at all in the stock app, but notification on icon shows that I have one unread message.

I remember that I received some MMS (looks like spam) and just swipe from notification panel.

I though I can find it in the app. But apperently there was no any unread SMS/MMS

I've got AVG antivirus, but looks like it doesn't block this SMS/MMS

This is when I've deleted all messages


Thanks in advance!

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I've found my unread SMS by using GO SMS Pro app.

Also it's required to clean cache and data in the settings - apps - all -messeges



Yes, same as i wrote in my post over. Just install Go SMS, and remove the "phantom" message, go into settings - applications - all .. clear data under messages. Reboot and it should be ok. Worked for me.


Tanks dude Slightly_smiling_Face worked for me also, been bugging me for months now