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XPERIA Z5 Heating up and problem with calls


XPERIA Z5 Heating up and problem with calls

Hi,New to forum . I have 2 huge issues with my 5 month old Xperia Z5 ( both issues started several weeks ago) It overheats like crazy, when just doing normal stuff, internet etc, my storage is ok. I dont use much video, but it really gets hot.
Secondly it drops calls, when phoning my son the other day it did it 5 times in a 20 min call.Sometimes 'beep' sound then disconnects calls/ or suddenly you cant hear them but they can still hear you.Im not sure if overheating and call droping are linked, personally im thinking its 2 seperate issues. Sony sent me instructions for software repair via PC, which i followed to the letter ( im not very techno) nothing happened, said would take minutes, left it in progress for an hour, i dont think it did anything.
Any ideas ? These issues RUIN a decent and expensive product.
Thank you for your time..


Accepted Solutions

the phone will give you warning when it is on critical heat level and would restart or shutdown. so if the device doesn;t shut down it probably is a "normal warming"  due to usage

regarding to the dropped calls , you can check your network coverage, the device tends to agressively change network types (lte to wcdma etc.) which may cause dropped calls,

you can try to perform the software repair once more, software repair using Xperia Companion

View solution in original post


the phone will give you warning when it is on critical heat level and would restart or shutdown. so if the device doesn;t shut down it probably is a "normal warming"  due to usage

regarding to the dropped calls , you can check your network coverage, the device tends to agressively change network types (lte to wcdma etc.) which may cause dropped calls,

you can try to perform the software repair once more, software repair using Xperia Companion


Hi, thanks for reply but its nothing to do with network or signal.As for heating ,ive never seen a warning.The phone gets warm after half an hour of being on and basically just keeps getting hotter with more use until in the end its almost too hot to hold.

noramlb, regarding changing networks ive checked in my settings and its set to 4G that the correct setting ?
From reading different postings on the net, it seems my 2 problems have been experienced by Xperia owners since the xperia 1. Its very disapointing that Sony have not remedied this ? The overheating seems to be a design fault or ive read its because of the processor ? Im not sure a software update could fix it, but i followed the instructions on the software update to the letter and nothing happened.Their was a progress bar on the screen on the pc, it said 'should take a few minutes' but never moved after an hour.Tried it twice. I cant believe such a premium product has such a long standing and uncorrecred fault.

1.) yes, that is correct , 4g/wcdma. or if the dropped call continue, try other settings like wcdma only

2.) yes the heating is due to the CPU, Snapdragon 810. it has been remedied as much as sony could but this chipset is really hot

3.) I suggest you try using other pC or other usb ports, the first time you perform a repair will take time since it will download the whole firmware of the device which may take up to 1gb +,.


You are not alone. After charging my phone I have no network. Phone is 7 months old. Took it to my network provider who replaced the sim with the same effect. I have now sent it to Sony for a warranty repair


Hello everyone, after a month of using a Sony Xperia Z5 i am honestly very disappointed of the performance of this phone. It lags, it stutters and the snapdragon 810 is a mess. How is it possible for a device from this class not to be pe able to play a youtube video in chrome because of the stupid throttling of the cpu. The movie starts and works well but after one minute the device is getting hot and the movie stutters. Same problem in Games like Real Racing 3, first one or two minutes everything is ok but then the cpu gets hot and it throttles and the game is running at max 12 fps. How is this possible, how is it possible that a samsung Galaxy s4 is wipping the floor with the z5 at browsing and multitasking... Bur this can t do **bleep** because it gets hot and i can throw it to thw dumpster because it is uselees. I want to know if my device has a problem or something or it is something normal and i have to consider that has a **bleep** performance...

Before that i had a Z3 and boy that phone really worked extremely well... 


Hi not a techo, all i can say is my S4 was a better phone. Xperia Z5 has so many faults.
Drops calls ,although after last software update this stopped.Phone heats up though,especially if its a warm day to begin with and the warmer it gets the more erratic the performance.Im only 6 months into my contract.In 18 months time i wont be getting another Sony Xperia !!

My Z5 is five months old but it is giving me a strange problem. Its ringer starts on its own even when no one is calling. It continues endlessly, I have to shut the phone and restart. This happens several times a day. I have sent an email to Sony care except for one complaint nos nothing is been done. If any one has faced this problem do let me know what should be done. I had great expectations from Sony Mobile phones.

Yup what a joke!!husband phone bent from the heat and now Sony won't warranty don't buy this phone!!