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XPERIA Z5 Heating up and problem with calls


XPERIA Z5 Heating up and problem with calls

Hi,New to forum . I have 2 huge issues with my 5 month old Xperia Z5 ( both issues started several weeks ago) It overheats like crazy, when just doing normal stuff, internet etc, my storage is ok. I dont use much video, but it really gets hot.
Secondly it drops calls, when phoning my son the other day it did it 5 times in a 20 min call.Sometimes 'beep' sound then disconnects calls/ or suddenly you cant hear them but they can still hear you.Im not sure if overheating and call droping are linked, personally im thinking its 2 seperate issues. Sony sent me instructions for software repair via PC, which i followed to the letter ( im not very techno) nothing happened, said would take minutes, left it in progress for an hour, i dont think it did anything.
Any ideas ? These issues RUIN a decent and expensive product.
Thank you for your time..


i have a new sony expria z5 for one week but this cellphone is getting hot even full charge or going low bat so i can help me what can i do.its a new for one week



My z5c used to work fine in earlier OS 7.0.  I did an OTA update to 7.1.1 and then phone started heating up and BASIC TELEPHONY was messed up. Outgoing calls do " ring gets lost" for 30 seconds(!), on the first attempt, and then call stops. Then it takes a second attempt and HEATING ON MY EAR before it connects. Incoming calls go straight to voicemail. Phone doesn't ring. It takes caller two or three attempts to get my phone to ring on incoming! RIDICULOUS!

So i backed up my phone, DISABLED MOVIE CREATOR, reboot in "SAFE MODE" etc. NO LUCK.

I tried telephony in SAFE MODE, same probs. NO LUCK.

I did factory reset on 7.1.1. NO LUCK

I downgraded os back to 7.0 (32.3.A.0.376). NO LUCK.



I have same  issues. It is running  on 7.0.

 Call is dropped randomly and overheat issue still not gone since last year...


just learnt THIS:

don't know if it affects me, but calling (SIMPLE CALLING) should be on the BASIC 2G QUAD BANDS going back to the 1990! Should not affect BASIC CALLING?  

The Calling network affects the HEATING is as well b/c if the network is not available, the chip puts out more microwave power to fry your brain!! Wonderful! This is what happens when you have a rubberstamp FCC. Plus this affects battery DRAIN. sound familiar?


CONFIRMED: All Xperia users on T-Mobile take note: it wasn't the coincidental android update to 7.1.1; it wasn't Sony's s/w "Movie Creator"; T-Mobile networks are rolling out VoLTE and new bands in major metros. They are jettisoning old 2G for voice in favor of the "Internet of Things" and low latency 5G.

Go to Call settings; Change your network preference to "3G preferred/2G" and not "4G preferred/3G" and the call/telephony problem GOES AWAY instantly. But then, on the other hand, streaming youtube vids or video-chatting "goes away" too! SADNESS.