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I tapped the snooze button on the alarm app on my new Z1 this morning and the screen is now blank but has some brightness to it, however I am unable to switch off/ on. The rest switch under the SIM cover also has no effect. Any ideas?
Solved! Go to Solution.
hey i have the same problem and my phone will vibrate 3 times and then do nothing
Yup I also had the same problem. Thats why I had to sign up for Sony Xperia Care. Whilst turning off the alarm, the screen blacked out. However, Android OS runs normally. I repaired it using PC Companion, but to no avail. I sent them an e-mail, and they suggested me to repair it using PC Companion. I am planning to get it fixed from my nearest service centre. A great dissappontment........:smileyangry:
This works for my phone:
"There is a tiny RED button next to the sim tray. Press this button in for a second or two THEN press the power button to turn on the phone. Charge the phone before turning on. "
Thanks for the solution
Press and hold the power button + Volume Up button for
5 seconds > ( Vibration ) Force restart
I turned off the "automatic dim" on display light, and that fixed it for me, but I wish Sony did fix the problem.
thats right
Thank you: my phone was frozen and i was scared....
but reading the solutions (press power button + volume up) for 4-5 seconds and my phone finally turned off, and when i restarted it; suprisingly my phone was working!!!!
thank you for the solution!!!!!
the charger what you use in ur car is not the sony charger its an all in one plug in charger... which charges your phone fastly and also harm your phone.. i to had the same problem den while travelling i started using sony poertable charger and only sony charger my problem got rectified.......... it helped me by doing this, use sony charger and sony portable charer it wont harm ur motherboard, while using other charger it may harm ur motherboard by extra watts of currents
super thank u..I resolved my fone issue right away!:smileysmileythumbsup: