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@Skev wrote:
Seems my connection issues are still about sometimes. I take it the repair wipes your phone (not the SD)?
Yes, it wipes only phone memory. Be sure and make a Backup before repair!
I decided to take the plunge and update, even though still no official changelog to be found anywhere.
I've noticed a weird thing all day, and only now realised it might be related to the connectivity issues some of you have reported here.
When the screen is off, both WiFi and mobile data connections seem to regularly drop out. I notice because I'm using the WhatsApp Web messenger, which requires the phone to stay in contact with the server. After a few minutes of the screen being off, the web interface will report that it can't reach the phone, and to check its data connection. When I unlock the phone, it takes a few seconds before the messenger reports that the phone is connected again. In some way, it seems as if Stamina mode was enabled, even though it isn't. And it's also not consistent, sometimes the data doesn't drop out at all. I also don't see any indication on the phone itself, no warning sign on WiFi or data connection.
Is this the same issue, and has anyone found a fix for it? Rebooting and re-registering WiFi didn't help.
re the whatsapp web issue
i had this same problem (web whatsapp disconnected when phone goes to sleep) in my Z ultra on Kitkat too.
I always have stamina mode on.
Now i updated Z U to latest lollipop, and I also white-listed Whatsapp under Stamina Mode, and it seems that i don't have the same disconnect issue in whatsapp web anymore.
So I guess it's not a Z5 issue.
hope this helps.
by the way, thinking of getting Z5 dual. Really want to know the battery life - manily using Whatsapp, music, facebook, email, some social apps etc...
My connection issues also seem sorted after repair.
See this thread at XDA, I posted a video showing newest firmware is still lagging:
what is wrong with you people going over this camera thing and how fast it opens? like seriously? it will eventually open even if it takes 60 seconds.. it is my last concern i even wish it never opens up all together it will not affect me at all, guys here we have major problems with the device and you guys going over how fast the camera opens? i mean come on? what about the quality? what about the lag issue? screen touch responsive issues? OVERHEATING ISSUE? BATTERY DRAIN LIKE NIGARA FALLS ISSUE? was it fixed? . no and a big NO cuz i just updated it and its the same its like nothing changed and happend whereas i waited for this update to download for 6 hrs. so useless. at least i know i am protected from this stagedrag virous thing whatever its called..
Calm down. You might not be using the camera, but a lot of people do, and for some of us the time it takes to open is a concern. Just because there is a fix you don't need, doesn't mean Sony shouldn't push it. You should understand that there are other Z5 users apart from you, and people have different issues or priorities.
On the other hand I don't have any of the issues you describe. I never experienced any lag at all. My screen is perfectly responsive. The only time my Z5C slightly warmed up was when I was running a 3D benchmark for 10 minutes. My battery lasts 2-3 days of regular use, way more than a week if I use it only a little – that's fantastic compared to pretty much any other flagship phone out there.
Yet still, I don't deny that other people might have issues like that, and for their benefit I hope that there will be fixes soon. And least of all would I ever hope that certain issues don't get fixed, or even worsened, as you do in your post, just in order to sulk.
New firmware Z5 Compact 32.0.A.6.170