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Do official changelogs usually appear somewhere? I'd like to have some more information about it before loading it… I haven't encountered most of the problems other people were having with the previous version, so I hope the upgrade wouldn't introduce anything. Improved performance and battery life always do sound nice, though.
Just two quick questions:
I'm in the UK, with an unbranded Z5, and couldn't wait for the UK Customized firmware to be released, so I flashed the CE5 region firmware, and it's much better.
Phone is generally snappier, with much less lagging.
Hope the battery life is better, and less heating. Fingers crossed.
I had what sounds like the same problem, however since switching my WiFi between my hub and my extender, seems the problem has gone away. I've restarted the phone and no connection problems still.
Not sure whether that helps or not.
I personally have more problems with the "Adaptive Brightness" bug than before.
I need to change the brightness (or cover the light sensor) many times per day to fix the gamma after unlocking the phone.
Tried to disable "Adaptive Brightness" but didn't help, because I'm constantly switching between outdoor (sun light) and indoor (low light) so this is not an option.