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Calm down. You might not be using the camera, but a lot of people do, and for some of us the time it takes to open is a concern. Just because there is a fix you don't need, doesn't mean Sony shouldn't push it. You should understand that there are other Z5 users apart from you, and people have different issues or priorities.
On the other hand I don't have any of the issues you describe. I never experienced any lag at all. My screen is perfectly responsive. The only time my Z5C slightly warmed up was when I was running a 3D benchmark for 10 minutes. My battery lasts 2-3 days of regular use, way more than a week if I use it only a little – that's fantastic compared to pretty much any other flagship phone out there.
Yet still, I don't deny that other people might have issues like that, and for their benefit I hope that there will be fixes soon. And least of all would I ever hope that certain issues don't get fixed, or even worsened, as you do in your post, just in order to sulk.
Thank you for the tips, Im downloading as we speak. Will try to find a change-log as quick as possible.
I update with PC Companion to 32.0.A.6.152... and now the camera open immediatly !!!!!!!!
Also me search change-log for others improvements 🙂
The camera start is quick now and opening the messaging app doesn't cause lags anymore. Looks good to begin with
I hope they also fixed the battery drain, I'd like to have at least a similar battery lifetime as my old Z3 compact.
Yep i confirm also sms with no lag
I found this change-log
update "Home" versions.
Optimization "cameras" startup speed.
Re-optimized phone heating problem.
Upgrading contacts database.
Optimization of fluency.
"Camera" photographs accelerated storage time!
Optimization "cameras" code.
"Fingerprint" to Enhance the Ability to Identify.
Optimize "RAM."
"Calendar" optimization interface.
Add "shutter" function.
@silvestro957 wrote:Yep i confirm also sms with no lag
I found this change-log
update "Home" versions.
Optimization "cameras" startup speed.
Re-optimized phone heating problem.
Upgrading contacts database.
Optimization of fluency.
"Camera" photographs accelerated storage time!
Optimization "cameras" code.
"Fingerprint" to Enhance the Ability to Identify.
Optimize "RAM."
"Calendar" optimization interface.
Add "shutter" function.
What does add ''shutter'' function mean? where to find it?
The Z5 Compact feels much faster with 32.0.A.6.115 firmware.
New things I've noticed:
- Overall performance increased. (The little 1.5Ghz cores seem to be more aggresive).
- Stagefright 100% fixed.
- baseband and kernel were updated.
- Camera takes photos faster (with any camera app Sony / Google Camera / etc).
Some things that are still pending:
- Camera 2 Api full support
- Adaptive Brightness bug with gamma & display colors.
- Google's "Always On" option (Voice activation when screen is OFF).
But in general an awesome update!