Share your experience!
HI guys and gals,
I was lucky enought o be able to go out and buy the above vaio 2 days ago and am finding out what a fantastic product this is! One thing (there always is isn't there!?) that lets it down is the loose battery pack - when you slot it in and lock it there is still some movement in it and it rattles when im moving it - anyone else experiencing this and if so is there a solution!?
I have a different model but mine is slightly wobbly too, even with the lock in place.
yeah great, they designed it that way good isn't it ? mines the same i've got an fe21s.Has your right click button stopped working yet ?
...No not yet - only two days old so all is functioning at the moment! Question is - do I live with this loose battery or ask Sony to do something about it - perhaps return it and get a different model?