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Xperia SP 4.3 update availability

Xperia SP 4.3 update availability

Here I will post the 4.3 update availability in several countries and the bugs found by each of you.As soon as the update is available in your country,please give feedback.Thank you!

The device is: Xperia SP


Country Date Carrier
 Belgium  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Poland  12.02.2014  unbranded,Polkomtel
 Romania  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Sri Lanka  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Australia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Serbia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Czech Republic  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Germany  12.02.2014  unbranded,O2
 Pakistan  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Brazil  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Croatia  12.02.2014  unbranded,Tele2
 India  12.02.2014  unbranded,Vodafone
 Greece  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Iran  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Estonia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Bulgaria  12.02.2014  unbranded,Mtel
 Philippines  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Hungary  12.02.2014  unbranded,Telenor,Vodafone
 Italy  12.02.2014  unbranded,TIM
 UK  12.02.2014  Vodafone,O2
 Turkey  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Egypt  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Switzerland  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Malaysia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Bosnia&Herzegovina  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Indonesia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Azerbaijan  13.02.2014  unbranded
 Spain  13.02.2014  Vodafone
 Singapore  13.02.2014  unbranded,Singtel
 Lebanon  13.02.2014  unbranded
 Netherlands  13.02.2014  unbranded
 New Zealand  14.02.2014  unbranded
 Serbia  14.02.2014  VIP Mobile
 Russia  18.02.2014  unbranded
 France  18.02.2014  unbranded
 Slovakia  19.02.2014  unbranded
 Canada  26.02.2014  Virgin

Xperia SP discussion topic

760 REPLIES 760

I bought my Sony Xperia sp in December and it has been a fantastic phone until I updated it to 4.3 last week!! It has ruined my phone, I wish I had never done it! It is now so slow and some functions don't even work properly anymore! It can take upto a minute when u press on an app or anything else on the screen for that matter, for anything to happen! After reading other peoples problems I did what some suggested and did a factory reset. This has improved things slightly but still not back to how it was. I have read other people have downloaded the old version back onto their phone but the guys in the ee shop told me I couldn't go back to the old version once I'd downloaded the new one! If anyone has managed to get the old software back on and got rid of 4.3 could you let me know how I do it? Thank you.

You can go back - it's just that Sony don't give you the tools to do it.

Follow this:



I sent mail to my operator (Tele 2 Croatia) about getting .201 update on my XSP. This is their answer:


Dear Sir,

First, we would like to thank you for showing patience you have shown in the expectations of our response.

We inform you that it has no plans to update on version 12.1.A.1.201. Last update was at version 12.1.A.0.266_Tele2-HR_1275-1882_R1B. and it is also the last update for the Sony Xperia SP devices from Tele2 offers.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you.


Your Tele2 "

Now I have one question, is it possible that Tele2 Croatia stop new update if it is avaible for this device?

Thank You on answer and sorry about my bad english Slightly_smiling_Face


I flashed Generic Swiss ftf file with flashtool and everything works.

Ili ti po naši i ja imam XPS na revoluciji kod Tele2.


Same story.... Tele2 **bleep**.... 

Anyways, I decided to flash Central European 2 ROM. I made a backup of .266 ROM if there will be something wrong and I have to send phone to service, will upload it tomorrow and send you the link. 

To flash your device on other ROM, follow this tutorial:



Why are we waiting why are we waiting fir an update that may or may not ruin our phones and is an old firmware and probably won't get the latest soooo let down shouldn't be to long now ha ha tell me another JOKE

With the quick release that's meant to be due out by the 8th lets hope it includes the unbranded as all this waiting is getting ridiculous


@whitedraon601 wrote:

With the quick release that's meant to be due out by the 8th lets hope it includes the unbranded as all this waiting is getting ridiculous

It's still the .201 firmware, so it's not going to be significantly different to what's already out there. Remember Vodafone AU is still on .266.


But, surely no-one wants 4.3 if it screws their phone up!