poor battery life on xperia sola


poor battery life on xperia sola

my xperia sola battery lasts for only 18hrs with minimum or no use.i have noticed in battery usage info that android os drains around 30-50% battery.and after doing some research on xda i came to know that this is a software issue which was also present in xperia s.is there going to be a firmware update for the xperia sola to reslove this issue?.


I agree, the Live Wallpaper is a power hungry "app". Use a classic wallpaper.

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I did some research and found out the linux suspend thread is using all the cpu, using all the cpu thus using all the battery.

There seem to be numerous issues on the internet but none provide a decent anwser. Following whole thread to increase battery life is not an option, it is a kernel bug and should be fixed. I'm looking to the sony service center for this one. How can I contact them?


I guess a software update will fix this bug.


I noticed strange thing - when my Sola is fully charged, battery voltage is 4202mV =>100%, and fully discharged at 3212mV => 0%. Thing is that at 50% battery voltage is 3775mV, 40%=3760mV, 30%=3740%, 20%=3710mV and 10%=3600mV.

And phone is automatically turned off only at 3212mV.

So, my question/theory is that eater my phone is miscalibrated, or Sony won’t me to start charging my phone at 40% of real capacity - to prolong battery life...


Have you tried a Repair with PC Companion and a factory reset ? I'm thinking that If it is a bug, it should appear on all the units using the same hardware revision and software , and a clean install of the OS should fix the glich because the majority of users don't have this problem.

In your case i'm thinking that there are 3 options :

1) battery problem ( bad manufacturing process )

2) OS bug

3) An app that's keeping your OS busy and it's not showing in the battery usage app.


I'm also sufffering battery drain.

I re-installed the phone using PCC, no dice. "Android System" still dry the battery.

3G is offf when i don't use it, screen at half luminosity, and my battery goes faster than some using 3g and the screen at full power... Slightly_frowning_Face

Help !!!

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There seems to be a battery drain bug in the Xperia Sola caused by WIFI. A Dutch website discovered this. I also have a Sola and if you switch off WIFI (only turn in on when you use it) it makes a difference. I get quite good battery life with mine!

I suppose the bug will be fixed soon.

Addition: Things like Bluetooth, GPS, Floating touch, BRAVIA engine etc really don't matter, since they only use power when they are actually used. I have them all on all the time. Of course when you really never use things like BT you might as well turn them off, but otherwise, don't bother.


""  If you still see a too huge drain on the battery, then try to remove the microSDHC-card overnight, to see if this is where power goes.""

Ah, now that's an intersting idea. The SD would be one of the "differance" I have.


SD removed, no more battery drain.

That's a start. Now i need some more test.

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Are you kidding me ? SD card drains too much battery over night ?