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Hello friends,
Today morning i read on a website that there is a new ICS firmware update for LWW as well the rest Xperia 2011 series 4.1.B.0.587. I want to know what is the update for ? Does it fix the rest bugs left in ICS ? Thanks...
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@Nabeel - Yes, I want to fix this LED problem and may root my phone for this. Can you tell me how can I fix notification LED problem.
U mean when u receive any sms or any notification, say from IM+, WhatsApp, etc your notification LED starts blinking and continues to blink even after screen light is off?? If yes, then which ICS update you are using...Sony ?? What method u followed to update ur phone...regular SUS/PC Companian or some other expert method?
Yes you have to change settings
What settings I need to change? (m really getting exited now, at last I see some hope to get this notification LED issue resolved:smileyhappy:)
i have updated my sony ericsson lww with the new frimware update 4.1.B.587 after the update my ringtone volume seems decreased a bit do i have to do factory reset will it bring back the volume or doing factory reset again is bad for the mobile because i have done it earlier after doing the ics update
or u have to do the factory rest after every frimware update one more thing is anybody facing the same problem plz reply thnx.
i am on the Stock Sony's Rooted Rom but i not facing any problem with led, it keeps on blinking until i see the messages
i haven't fixed anything though
Install the Pansi sms app it will solve your Led notification problem.
i have updated to new version yesterday and i faced problem using face unlock app did any body else faced the prob??
also LED lights were not blinking
i am doing factory reset and will post some screen shots of the problem if the are'nt solved
please tell which settings are to be changed
Nabeel - this is something strange, I haven't heard LED working fine on LWW or other Xperia2011 phones after upgrading to ICS. Any idea why its not working for others?
braydencooper067 - Please let which setting needs to be changed.
Dexter LED of my phone is working all fine, including whatsapp. Same with my friends.
I have Arc S though,
No idea why others are facing