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Hello friends,
Today morning i read on a website that there is a new ICS firmware update for LWW as well the rest Xperia 2011 series 4.1.B.0.587. I want to know what is the update for ? Does it fix the rest bugs left in ICS ? Thanks...
Solved! Go to Solution.
Backup everything as it will erase all data on phone (sms, contacts,apps)
Update/Repair your phone via PCC or SUS
PCC (PC COMPANION) – Repair your software with this .First do the setup without connecting your mobile to pc.(only connect when you are asked to).
Do it as follow >> PCC > SUPPORT ZONE> SOFTWARE UPDATE> REPAIR SOFTWARE (written with blue)
PC Companion
SUS ( Sony Update Service) ... download and install it on pc and follow the on-screen instructions
Both the links are same
I tried light manager from playstore,it is working only when screen is On.LED is not working when screen is off.Should i change any settings after i install light manager?
how about this rom it looks great will sony going to launch it.
did u guys like it let me know about it.
and also one think after the new frimware[4.1.B.0.587] update my ringtone volume had decresed a bit did anyone
noticed that problem will factory reset going to solve the problem .
Its the first time i have been forum after i got the ICS update... (i was watching the forum closely back then ) Since then i have definitely lost track of the progress with the ICS update...
I came back here after hearing rumours that sony has released an ICS update which resolves a lot of bugs in the previous iteration of the ICS
After going thru this forum once again .. i think this fix ICS update is a worth .. however i liked the screenshots of the ROM you have posted up there ..
Can you please tell your sources(everything about the screenshots up there coz its totally awesome ) and the link from where i can download this ROM ..
Thanks in advance
here is the link try it and after installation
give ur reply.roneyp260
@rob260: I am not sure if this is from Sony for LWW. I really like the screenshots, LED problem is also solved in this ROM, but have few doubts before I install this:
1. Do I need to root my phone to install this ROM.
2. Would it be possible to revert back to Latest Firmware (4.1.B.0.587) using SUS or PC Companian (in case I dont like that ROM)
3. Will installing this ROM void my warranty.
4. How easy is to install this ROM.
@Nabeel - Any expert comments/guidence from ur side.
Dexter This Rom is not from Sony. Infact this is not a rom but a modification ( or a theme you could say )
1) YOu need a rooted phone wit X-Parts ( CWM ) installed ( link CWMinstaler(X-parts) )
Here is how to root {GUIDE} How to Root Xperia™ Smartphones
2) Ofcourse yes
3) rooting is involved so yes, warranty might get void )
4) no answer to that ofcourse.( i can install it within 2 minutes)
Here is the link
@Nabeel - I looked into the XDA-forum link posted by rob260 above, seems very confusing to me (m new to Android and not from IT background). I dont know anything about ROM & Kernel..
I future I may think of installing that ROM but currently I am pretty happy with my latest ICS update except notification LED not working. (haven't monitored battery life & wifi after latest update)
I read in XDA forum that we can modify even smallest think like - battery icon in notification bar, etc is it possible to fix this notification LED issue?
Yup you can fix it but you need to root your phone
If you root your phone, you could do anything ( any customization )
but i am confused, i am not facing any issue about led, all is working fine, how come most of the pople are