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A99 .ARW files unrecognised format for Mac


A99 .ARW files unrecognised format for Mac

Can anyone help me. My Macbook is running OSX 10.6.8 which I understand is up to date. I Photo 11 is running on v 9.2.3 which I believe is up to date. My A99 is running V1.02. Sadly my Mac is saying all the ARW files are in an unrecognised format! I am not eligable for Apple Support unless I make payment.

Has anyone come across this and managed to solve the issue? I have no problems downloading jpg files and if the card from the A99 is put into my A77, the same message is still present when I try to download the ARW files to the Mac.


The firmware of your cameras has little to do with the post processing but it is good you are on the lastest that will help you if you have any hardware support issues.


I'd recommend the iMac 27" to anyone, they are just a dream to own and use.  I will never look at another windows platform again.  I am into year 2 of my IMac ownership and I have never had an OS or Appilcation failure and most of the time the computer is left on without issue.


They might cost a bit more but they are worth it.



Life, The Universe and Everything

Thank you for contributing the information Si, I have learnt a lot. I will pop into Apple and try to update the OS. The wife definately won't let me get a new computer after letting me spend £2k on the A99!

Re Mac's, I agree. This little one has never let me down and is as fast as the day I bought it quite a few years ago. Had I remained with 'the other system', I'd have had to have bought new by now. 




Life, The Universe and Everything

Just one thought though Si, I assume then, had I bought my A99 on it's release, I'd never have been able to upload it's ARW files onto my Macbook with it's current OS. I wonder why it has been excluded yet the A77 hasn't? I do realise the A77 has been around longer. Surely the ARW file format on both cameras is the same?

Hi,  I'll answer your last question first if that is ok.  Sony are always improving and developing their products and the camera raw software is no different.  The A77 has different RAW processing software than the A99 hence the need for different versions of software.  On several occasions I have purchased a new Sony camera only to have to wait for Adobe to release an update of its software for it to recongise the new RAW format.


As to your first question you can upload the files to your computer but just not through any of the image processing software you have.  If you attached the camera directly to the Mac via USB or put the memory card in a reader you can copy and paste the files manually, of little help I know but at least you have a backup.  Once you get the lastest and greatest of the OS and your image editing software installed you will be able to import directly into imaging software, i.e. Aperture.  I have Aperture but personally use Adobe's Lightroom 5.


As mentioned the exclusion of the A99 is only down to the fact that software manfucturers take a little time to release updates to accomodate the latest cameras.  They also stop updating previous versions of their software so we all so find ourselves having to upgrade if when we buy new cameras.


Unless Sony release a mirrorless Full Frame A mount camera next year that is a game changer I will be sticking with my current setup for a while so will be ok.


Kind regards



Life, The Universe and Everything

I just wanted to thank Si for his help. I have upgraded my Mac operating system from Snow Leopard 10.6.8 to Mountain Lion 10.8.5 at a cost of £13.99 last night and bingo, everything is fine. A99 ARW files are accepted by I-Photo. 



It is a pleasure and I am so glad you have got everything sorted and you can now enjoy your A99 RAW files on your Mac.



Life, The Universe and Everything