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Xperia 1 availability


Xperia 1 availability

Hello everyone and thank you for showing interest in the Xperia 1! Slightly_smiling_Face

The Xperia 1 will be available in select markets from late Spring 2019.

For availability in your market, please visit your Local Sony Mobile website at

Make sure to select your local page by clicking the country selector at the bottom left of the page.

133 REPLIES 133

Omg, April would be amazing, I would definitely burn out by June...

I am literally walking into stores and keep asking, no one has heard of the phone at all... 

My Three store guys didn't even hold the XZ3 when it came out, I called them, they have no idea, I went to the store, not a clue... I went to two Carphone Warehouses and they don't know, over the email they said to keep an eye on it and if they have an exclusive colour again, but no dates! Today I went to the O2 store, it was just on my way. it's so funny because there was a Samsung rep there in front of a Samsung wall that takes up third of the store lol... And I was like, I want this phone, when will you have it. The guy never heard of it and he said there was a Sony rep there yesterday, but he said nothing (great rep if he's not hyping the phone like crazy)... He took out his iPhone to google for Xperia 1, but I told him there's nothing on Google that I already don't know. He said they don't get much info on insignificant devices! And I told him to research the Xperia 1 because he would like it... And that holes and notches are not an option for me. The Samsung rep smiled lol


any update about availability of xpera 1 in UAE?

will it be launched here?


Hi @milesfastguy2, thank you for showing interest in the Xperia 1!

I'm afraid that I don't have any more information for specific markets than the information in my original post. I recommend that you keep an eye out on your local Sony Mobile website, in your case, on the address below to see if the device is listed there a bit later, when we get even closer to the launch.


Clove UK have posted the Xperia 1 on their website 

it says £849 and ‘End of May’


@XPERIAUK99 wrote:

Clove UK have posted the Xperia 1 on their website 

it says £849 and ‘End of May’

Depressing news for those few willing to buy it.
I wonder which component is causing it? Snam 855? Already there. Cameras? Already there. 
Maybe they need more time to downgrade the battery from rumored 4400mAh to 3300mAh and provide less RAM ??

@LukaStemberger wrote:

Do you have any info on the release date in the UK?

Looks like you are from UK, that's why you don't know about 5G. UK have one of slowly internet in Europe and all rest world, now i understand why you are without knowledge about 5G and need of this connection Grinning_Face


Sony Xperia 1 Available in Pakistan?


Yes Euphoric... you could tell me then, where in the world is 5G available and what services does it offer?

@LukaStemberger wrote:

Yes Euphoric... Instead of being a smartass you could tell me then, where in the world is 5G available and what services does it offer? 

At this moment it not available for commercial usage, but as i know will be very soon, something around this year middle. Where are some dots where is working, but for presentations to show what is 5G at all, maybe first for experts and something like this. There are a lot of presentations, commercials and ect., but to say what isn't at all is mistake. Coz company presenting 5G in location a lot of. Where? I already posted this information with a lot of links, don't be lazy and check it. At all be observant and read carefully what is writing for you, coz looking strange with the same questions Slightly_smiling_Face

P.S. I am not a smartass (what the XXX mean that at all? Slightly_smiling_Face ), but if you have head on yours body you know that all information possible to find with Google these days, Genius Slightly_smiling_Face

By the way why you asking if for you no need 5G at all and in UK probably will not be 5G connection this year at all? Trying to be Wise Guy? Looks like you like slowwwwwlyyyyy internet connection... Slow Genius Slightly_smiling_Face


It's going to take a LOT of time and resources for networks to deploy 5G, Carrier networks need new transmission equipments, I think the radius it's a lot smaller for High Frequency 5G than low frequency; low band 5G frequency can operate through LTE cells but it won't be as fast as High Band Frequency 5G, in other words, some carriers could adapt their current infrastructure to deploy "5G" slightly faster than LTE but not what we were promised (1~2GBps), for that carrier networks have to build new infrastructure which will take time, and it will be available on certain locations. 

With that said, let's stay in topic, this thread it's about Xperia 1 availability not 5G or the lack of and/or any other topic. 

@aaljuma1  @EUPHORIC  @LukaStemberger 

Another reminder, this is a user based forum, we are here to help each other, I'm going to remove all this bad blood comments, keep it friendly and constructive.