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Issue with network dropping


Issue with network dropping

My network coverage keeps dropping I spoke with EE my network provider. They sent me a new SIM card, this has not fixed the problem and I'm stuck for what to do. This happens at completely random times.

152 REPLIES 152

Does this only happen when your in a building? 


No anywhere sometimes it drops and reconnects several times in a matter of 1 minute I've reset network settings I've reset app permissions and settings I've reset my Google settings I'm close to factory wiping the phone but since it's network issue I know this won't help


I've also tried my partners SIM card and this doesn't have any issues 


I'm not suggesting anything because I have no experience, I used Three for a couple of days on my Xperia 1 and now I'm on O2... No issues at all.

But from what I read, EE is just now switching on their 5G network for the first time. Not sure why that would cause issues, but it's possible there's something about it that might cause this problem.


I'm getting wifi cut outs but not sim cut outs


I've just moved to EE for this phone, and I've had loads of network dropouts too. I also have a tablet with an EE data SIM in it, and have not experienced such problems in this area (Camden) over the last few weeks (although I haven't used the tablet much in the last 2 days, as I've been playing with my nice new X1!) 


I am getting the same thing on mine, EE as well. 

I noticed that when the 4g drops out its just like the data has been turned off manually. I watched the mobile data button on the pull down menu go off and on a few times without me touching it. 

Did a screen record of it too. Seems like a software thing? Not sure, it's annoying that much I know.


I think it's more likely to be an EE network problem, given how a few of us are getting this on EE, and no-one else on other networks seems to be reporting it. I've noticed problems still earlier today in London


Mine is doing the same thing, it's definitely a major problem for me, any solution?