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Phone is an E6653 (German localized) used in USA on AT&T and is working fine. No hacks or non google play apps installed.
Bluetooth working fine, phone dialer working actually better (loads faster), fingerprint reader, NFC, hotspot, LTE, wifi, etc all work.
Don't understand the fire storm of bad reports appearing here.
Bob H
Check ur call log It's still laggy and stuttering!! It's a common issue on Sony nougatic phones.. Check through other device threads!!
Has it been longer than a week? If so, I'm happy for you. If not, you might end up with problems as most of us who have got them about a week after the update. I've had lots of problems. There is a "firestorm" because people like me are having serious issues with their phones. You aren't. Be happy about that. It doesn't negate the problems the rest of us are having.
I'm going to try flashing my firmware back to 7.0 to see if that solves the problems. Will have to wait until tonight to do it though.