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Xperia Z5 is slower than it's predecessors predecessor!


Xperia Z5 is slower than it's predecessors predecessor!

Hi, I own a Z5 and it's slow.

My father own's a Z3, it's faster, and it's snappier, that mentioned, it only have a quad core processor, I got octa, and i get beaten in boot time, and UI speed, why? Why should I keep continue to buy Xperia, if all I get is worse performance? See my point? Nobody will keep supporting a productline, which lose quality, rather it should be gaining quality. The Z5 is slower than it's predecessors predecessor, for what reason? It got better specs, better hardware, so why Sony? I am beyond confused, and feel like I just might not purchase Xperia anymore. If you don't fix the Z5 slowness, I'm no longer getting flagship Sony phones.



You can find an answer to that on my second and third post.