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No update in Germany at present
@snapdragon810 wrote:greetings,
i am not sure if its because of the carrier in Austraila you received the update in your z5 compact. but i am very curious. i havent received any updates yet and i am looking forward to have it. could you please explain what improvement you have notices after updating your compact to 32.0.A.6.170? is the overheating is gone, is the adaptive brightness issue is fixed? is the lag issue is fixed? or any other issues that is fixed?
Telstra haven't updated their own firmware yet
@GokuSS4 wrote:
When I got my Z5 Premium it had all the lovely camera settings I was familiar with but now for some strange reason they are all gone! I cant change from fast moving to sports etc. All gone!
The recent firmware update has given the Camera app a new interface. I confused me a bit at first as well, but all the options are still there, just in other places. In order to start the scene programs, you have to switch to manual mode first. There is a mode selector at the top of the screen. It's a bit weird to use because you have to first tap once to activate it, then tap a second time to choose in which direction to move the wheel. Once you select "M" for manual mode, the scenes can be chosen with the button next to the shutter, and all the other settings are under the other two small buttons.
Other thing I noticed was given that this phone has an 8core processor 64bit with 3GB of ram that it is sluggish and not fast at all, I ran a benchmark test and its slower performing than the normal Z5! And is quite close to the bottom of the table when compared to even other older handsets.
As viridis has already pointed out, this is to be expected given the high display resolution of the Premium. The same hardware has to do much more work to keep up with the graphics, that is why the Compact is the highest performing of the Z5 range (as it renders only to 720p resolution). This will also be why some older devices do better in benchmarks – their hardware may be weaker, but they need to do less work, too.
Lastly what is going on with the battery performance? Side by side with my Z2 using the same apps and useage the Z5 Premium battery goes down fast!
All I can suggest is going to the regular motions of trying to figure out what is eating your battery. Unfortunately, Android 5 and higher have switched to a terrible battery reporting tool, which makes it a lot more difficult to find out what is actually draining the battery most.
My Z5C lasts a good two days of regular use, with 4G and Wi-Fi always on and screen on lowest adaptive brightness. It will last about 15 hours of non-stop Spotify listening. If I turn Wi-Fi off when I don't need it, and use the phone only for a bit of messaging and calls during the day, it will last almost a full work week with one charge. My main hint is always: make sure you disable location services. As with every other Android phone I've used, it increases battery consumption around 500% to 1000%.
I hope you can get your phone to work better for you!
@Anamon2 wrote:
it will last almost a full work week with one charge
I was curious to see what mine was after I read that. When I bought my phone a couple weeks ago, I flashed it, because it was only just released where I live, and my telco didn't sell it, so I went to another Telco, and got one... while I flashed it, I went and changed the settings for all the apps, so that the data communcation was basically turned off, and only used when it was needed. Tasker probably helped with that too.
I hadn't charged my phone since Sunday, and took it off charge several hours ago just before I did the update to the new 320A6200 firmware..
I also told it to queue communication with other apps, on top of the standard Queue background data in the Stamina menu, and do it all in one big hit, rather than bits here and there.
The killer for me is when I tether my phone to my laptop, and turn my VPN on.
The VPN constantly transmits/receives, But I can still go the 2 days at school, and listening to music on the bus to and from the city back to my house.
The GPS and Location services saps power too if you're using high accuracy because it starts pinging everything and anything, and if you've got the facial recognition and voice recognition activated... they use the juice too.
Clearing out the background apps (The square button. I dont know what it's called.) before you lock your screen if you're not going to use your phone for a while helps too.
Greetings my felow Z5 Family owners, i will totally apprecaite if someone could reply to my questions, they are alot but i will appreciate it
Great news from my end, tonight i received on my little Z5 Compact the new update on my device without using PC companion. skipping 30.0.A.6.170 and updated directly to 32.0.A.6.200. However, i noticed the size of the update is so small which is (55.6MB). with this small sized uodate i can assume/tell there isnt a whole lot of changes i call expect. Also, i didnt notice any changes after the update. Actually during the update the device overheated. So may i ask you my fewl owners what you noticed? what have been changed? what was improved? is the overheating is fixed? is the adaptive bug is fixed? is the lag issue is fixed? cmarea app is better? or any issues that i wasnt aware of that were fixed?
I have been wondering about the small size because on the below link you can see the open sourse and the size is above 300 MB:
I am wondering can i install the open sourse update? what is it for?
i tired googling (32.0.A.6.200 for Z5 Compact) but i came up with no accurate results that i can actually share on here.
Yours, Z Compact Owner and a big loyal customer of SONY Corporation.
@snapdragon810 wrote:Greetings my felow Z5 Family owners, i will totally apprecaite if someone could reply to my questions, they are alot but i will appreciate it
Are you talking about your questions in that post? Or the question you had before?
what changes you see in new update ?
any profremance change ?
did u check whether ultra stamina mode is working properly or not ?
did u tried deactivating it ? after deactivation all ok ?
@asrujit wrote:what changes you see in new update ?
any profremance change ?
did u check whether ultra stamina mode is working properly or not ?
did u tried deactivating it ? after deactivation all ok ?
Uh... I haven't really seen many changes really..
My phone went in to it just before as I was creating my own Odex FTP with Bluetooth to try out something for someone that's trying to stream on bluetooth....
It's also been in to ultra stamina twice before the update, and it's been fine. Probably the only thing I've done differently to my ROM is that I never used PCC or my carrier to upgrade, I waited a day before I took it out of the box, because I was too busy with school, and then I flashed it straight away, then turned all my settings to the way I wanted it. and, the carrier I'm with does not support the handset. I bought it from Telstra, and I'm with Optus, so I had to find the Generic Aus ROM.
I don't use that many apps right now, but soon I'll be filling it with development junk.
I have had it crash a couple of times when I was writing an email. But I'm not sure if that was due to one of the stamina settings where it will restart after a certain amount of time.
I'm not exactly sure how that works yet.
I put it on charge and kept going, it seems ok.
What's meant to happen? (fault) Doesn't come out of the stamina mode?
try activating stamina mode and deactivate it and check whether all works well or not.