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Hi, I recently updated to mahmellow 6.0.1.. Before while using lollipop I could play my radio on my z3 and connect to a Bluetooth speaker, after the update I cannot, it just plays off headsets and the phones speaker. Other apps like the songs on the phone iam able to play off my blue tooth speaker but the radio has failed. Please advise..I tried clearing the cache restarting the fone and failed.
Topic edited by Rickard
Me too. It's hard to believe that it's a Marshmallow thing, probably a bug in the FM Radio app.
I've been digging around and found this (for Z3 series devices, relating to the 'concept build', not the general release software):
FM Radio removed in latest Concept update to fix Bluetooth issues (MMB29V.Z1.3571)
"Sony Mobile has removed the FM radio from the latest Android Concept for Marshmallow release with build number MMB29V.Z1.3571. The reason behind this is that for some unknown issue it caused a conflict resulting in choppy audio over Bluetooth.
The FM radio function is handled by the same chip which also deals with Bluetooth, hence Sony will investigate further and hopes to bring FM radio back at some point later. The update will roll to Xperia Z3 and Xperia Z3 Compact users running Concept firmware over the next few days."
So it seems that they had a bit of a problem with bluetooth and FM working at the same time - which is probably why they've disabled bluetoothing FM Radio audio.
(I only recently got my Z3 compact tablet, so hadn't tried bluetoothing FM radio before on the device, so I don't know if it used to work on previous Android versions. I'd assumed that this functionality would be available as I used to have a Z1 Compact phone which did this).
The good news (for me) is that my M5 (which is on Android 6.0, not 6.0.1) can send FM Radio audio to Bluetooth (It didn't seem to work at first, but starting the music app while the radio was on then switching back to radio seemed to kick it into working)
In conclusion - the Xperia M5 phone running Marshmallow can send FM radio audio to Bluetooth, suggesting that it may not be Marshmallow that's the root of the problem; it seems that Sony have deliberately disabled this functionality in Android 6.0.1 due to some choppy Bluetooth problems that have been experienced.
I hope they do produce a fix (or rather fix the underlying issue, and restore the removed functionality), I'd really rather be using my tablet for this function, not my phone (which is liable to receive calls!).
hello there!!
I just happened to run into this discussion because of the Bluetooth radio issue... do I have to root my phone in order to downgrade the software? Bluetooth radio is essential for me during my working hours and this is one of the reasons why I got this phone in the first place....
it's ridiculous from Sony, instead of improving things they remove features with new softwares....
Got the same problem in my Xperia M4 Aqua after update..