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Hi, I recently updated to mahmellow 6.0.1.. Before while using lollipop I could play my radio on my z3 and connect to a Bluetooth speaker, after the update I cannot, it just plays off headsets and the phones speaker. Other apps like the songs on the phone iam able to play off my blue tooth speaker but the radio has failed. Please advise..I tried clearing the cache restarting the fone and failed.
Topic edited by Rickard
Same! I've contacted Sony a number of times - at first they didn't understand what I was talking about, then I got a reply yesterday stating "Unfortunately the method of listening to the radio that you describe was not an intended feature of the Xperia devices, and is not available with the new Marshmallow operating system. Unfortunately there is no solution at this time, though some of the moderators have passed on feedback regarding this. Apologies for the inconvenience"
Yes, it is unfortunate (and annoying)!!! Can't I just go back to the previous operating system?
Might a factory reset fix this issue?
With the previous Fm radio app (before Android upgraded to Marshmellow 6.0.1), I could use my bluetooth headphone to listen to my Fm radio. A dummy headphone was inserted in the phone, only to use as an antenna. (This worked fine for cycling -> navigation on my steer and wireless headphone for the FM-radio)
but after the Android upgrade to Marshmellow 6.0.1, the fm radio app changed and wben connected with bluetooth, the fm radio still could only output to the phone speaker or headphone plug.
this could not be an hardware issue, because it worked before. Do you have a sollution to use my bluetooth headphone with the fm radio? (Alternative fm radio app, firmware update/fix)
What's happening with this alexdon???
Hello friends,
Why you don't spend a couple of minutes to read the previous posts to realize that this is not a bug but (unfortunatelly) the way the Marshmallow is designed by Google??
I have read previous (and new) posts, however I still believe that this is an issue that needs fixing!
I will downgrade my device to Lollipop untill this issue is solved
Stefano2, how do you do that please?
I have exactly the same problem on my Xperia Z3 Compact (radio + bluetooth headset worked with Android 5 but no more with Android 6).
Could anybody from Sony staff provide a solution or at least an explanation.:smileyangry:
Meanwhile, I'm using my headset in wired mode instead of bluetooth .