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Dissapointed, lense scratch, not worth


Dissapointed, lense scratch, not worth

Hi guys, i I own Z3+ Dual, and my camera lens scratched from nothing. It's glass so how can it scratch so easly!?

All the photos all blurry with dissortions, how can I fix the lense without changing the back panel.
The phone is like a month old and as far this is my biggest problem with this pieace of trash.. No words


Hi @pi4a7a,

I'm so sorry to hear about your phone!

If the lens is scratched I can only refer you to have your phone sent in to one of our authorized service centers for repairs. I'm not sure where in the world you are based, in order to receive information on local warranty and service procedures I would recommend that you contact your Local support.

Generally speaking, the camera lens is attached to the back panel of the phone. Meaning that in order to have this fixed the back panel will most likely have to be replaced.

I know it's never fun to have to send away your phone but in this case I'm afraid I can only refer you to service. Let me know how it goes!

To be fair, if the scratched lens cover is your biggest problem with it, it doesn't deserve the label "piece of trash".
It is unfortunate that you scratched it, but it can be repaired and the local support will be able to advise better, good luck

Oh, trust me it deserves it..

This is my second Z3+, my first just turned off by itself and it didn't turn on, I had to give it to my warranty, and they gave me back a brand new Z3+ but, all the problems are still here(even with 7.0 update) its not nessecery to say how.much the phone heats even right now, on half brightness, stamina turnd on, 3G and here on the forum browsing, its like super the lense Why didn't my old Z3+ scrached? I live in Bulgaria..