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I'm having some issues with my Xperia Z3.
After I formatted my phone (twice) I got some strange behaviors.
When I try to do anything, my display does a flash, like a "stun" or a little reset for less than a second, randomly. Even doing nothing, staying still, it keeps doing the same thing.
It's enough to: Pause a video I'm watching; Stop a video I'm recording; Pause a game I'm playing; Cancel an audio I'm recording, specially in whatsapp. I don't know what to do. I switched my microSD and it keeps doing it.
Have you guys some tips or experienced something like that?
Best regards
It happened with a much less frequency.
I already watched like 20min of video and didn't happen a thing. However, I tried to play a game and it happened twice during the gameplay.
I also tried to install The PC Companion, but it gave me an error message "The procedure entry point SetDefaultDllDirectories could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll."
that's an issue with your computer, you can google it, but do install XC instead
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