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Can't save contacts directly to Google


Can't save contacts directly to Google

Hi all, 

When I try to add a new contact, I don't get the option of saving it to Google, although Google account is added.

Does anyone else have this issue? 

Thank you!


I am having the same problem. It is quite annoying. I can add contacts using web based gmail, and it does appear on my phone book, so sync is definately working, but I cannot seem to find a way to add contacts to gmail via any contact apps.

Tried resetting the phone, and sync works for 2 days before disappearing again.

Had this problem with my Z3+ Dual tonight but got it working again by disabling Sim2, restarted and voila! I enabled Sim2 again afterwards and no sign of unavailability of my Google account.

When I try to add a new contact, I don't get the option of saving it to Google, although Google account is added and all its contacts appear on my phone book, so sync is definitely working, but I cannot add contacts to gmail via any contact apps.!!!
Whenever i do factory resetting the issue get solved but once i install the applications the issue return back again so after uninstalling each application one by one and restarting the phone after each uninstalling i found that the 4 applications of outlook, one drive, viber, and whatsapp have some conflict with google because by the time i install any of them and set it up for use the issue starts and whenever i uninstall it the issue get solved!!!

Please help me to solve such issue as i always add my contacts to google and at the same time such 4 applications are so important for my daily use.

Note: Whenever i am trying to dial *#06# it gives me the following message "Conection Problem or Invalid MMI code" even though i verified the existence of connection; However i got the  IMEI(s) via "Settings" then "About Phone" then "Status"


@NiuginiNexus wrote:
Had this problem with my Z3+ Dual tonight but got it working again by disabling Sim2, restarted and voila! I enabled Sim2 again afterwards and no sign of unavailability of my Google account.

As Niugninexus posted, the solution did work. You will lose the ability to add contacts again once you enabled simply 2,So it seems that there is a problem with z3+ dual. Let's see how long will Sony need to fix this.


Same here.. Even tried to factory reset and deleted everything but still no hope.

Hi everyone. I have this problem also. Gonna try niugninexus solution now. I hope it works!


I've got the same problem. No solution.

niugninexus solution works, but only for 10-15 minutes. After that, every new contacts wants to going in Exchange again.

I have the same problem,i tried factory reset and softeare repair and i got the same results, it is very frustrating.

I have very interesting issue with my new Xperia Z3+ DUAL. Everything works fine with google account sync until I install any of applications like Waze, Dropbox, Linked IN or other social / cloud application.

Immediately after the installation occurs following: when I try to add a new contact to my contacts list, the application warns about missing backup account and suggests as an option ONLY MS Exchange Server.

Google account still active in the phone and all the sync options are active as well. But it doesn't appear any more as backup account for phone contacts. I attached 2 images of good and bad state

New contact - bad state.jpg