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Broken screen


Broken screen

I managed to break my screen after only 3 weeks that i bought it,

the phone was  on my front jeans pocket with a tempered glass on it  which is kinda funny or sad

because i really don't know how it got broken with not even one major crush or falling in its short life time.

For now I can't access the phone and recover my data on it,

I already tried the OTG solution and it doesn't work either, the phone won't receive the mouse signal even when i restart it as suggestted.

Any help for recovering the data on my phone would be much aprreciaed!


Hi @pokefelt,

I'm sorry to hear this. If you have tried with a OTG cable and a USB mouse, I'm afraid there isn't much left to try. It is as you say, you need to have the OTG cable and mouse connected to your Xperia device then restart it to get the mouse to work with your device.

The only thing I can recommend that is you try with a different mouse but if it still isn't working, it won't be possible to save your data.  Slightly_frowning_Face