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Battery fake?


Battery fake?


how can I recognize a faked battery for the Z1C? Could you please check these photos? The prints on the right one are slightly darker. The text on the backside is completely different.



Hi @xper1a,

Unfortunately, it is very hard to  determine what is genuine or not via picture. I suggest you contact Customer Care directly and ask for details of a service agent, as only a service agent can provide 100% certainty.

I hope this helps. Use my signature below to find contact details.


Wrote a mail inluding these photos to Sony support. Answer: "Sorry, we can't help you. Please get your phone to an official service shop for fixing it." 

I already fixed it by myself! Just wanted to know if these batteries are fake or not.


They may not be able to help via email, you would be best contacting a service agent as only they can clarify if the battery is genuine or not it needs to be physically checked to clarify.


I had exactly the same problem with the battery.

At the end of 2015 the battery in my z1 compact started showing the battery drop problem.

Finally, I decided to replace the battery by myself.

I purchased a battery on Ebay. The seller sent me the battery just like yours on the LEFT in your picture, without the NFC antenna and without a small black rectangle on the connecting cable. That battery was fake! It came 40% charged but my z1 compact didn't recohnize it at all (not dischargning status, BIG problems with charging i.e. battery couldn't be charged at all, it caused strange LED colors while I tried to charge it etc.). At the end, I returned that fake battery to the seller, received my money back and bought another one. The second battery looked like the original (like the one on the RIGHT in your picture), with the NFC antenna and little black rectangle on the connecting cable. This battery is still ok and I'm using it right now.

Another thing. Some time ago I also purchased a battery labeled Powercell. While this battery worked ok it took ages (8-9 hours) to recharge (from 20% to 100%) so I gave up on it.