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So I'm in a very complex uncomfortable scenario. I've been an xperia user for almost 3 years. I had the z z3 and now own the z5 premium. Today I tried using my phone. First the finger print wasn't scanning. Then I noticed that it wasn't vibrating. I thought it just needed a soft reset and I did. Once it turned back on, both the volume buttons and power buttons are not working! I called customer care and discovered it was still under warrantee. However! Xperia z5 premium was never available in the US! I got it imported from Singapore. So I can't get my phone evaluated for a new one. There is not a single sign of physical damage. I had never dropped the phone nor used it in water. Please help soon!
I'm sorry to hear about your issue, but indeed, if you bought the phone from a different country its consider gray market, you could try to repair it with XC
Alternatives on How to backup Xperias
The phone is one month old and is in almost flawless condition. It occured randomly and I am seriously dissapointed at everything that is going on.
Dont' create duplicate posts, thanks.
@kanchuka wrote:yes uliwooly is correct try you repair your mobile using xperia companion
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See, the problem with this answer. Steps to diagnosis... Plug phone in. Unplug phone, plug phone back in while holding volume button to run diagnosis....
If the volume button does not work, neither does Xperia Companion