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Greetings, just want to know that is there any way for my phone not to just overheat by itself? For example, some times after turning the screen off and put it into my pocket, after 10 mins I start to feel a burn and when I take the phone out, it's burning hot but the phone is off. This also in a way drains my battery life from 100% to nearly hitting 34% every time. Hope you can help to solve this problem. Thanks 😊
Solved! Go to Solution.
Xperia Xzs have lot of complaints about over heating isue . But company nothing to do for solve the problem . company advicing to do software repaire , otherwise send it to service center , but problem is when the time of software repaire we loose all our saved files everything . It is simply killing our time and patience .
software repaire is temperory solution . after one week of service again same problem is going on.
i became mad because of xperia gave bad impression about sony brand
i going to throw my device to garbage.
I managed to fix the overheat issue for me by swithing the location settings from accurate to powersave or gps only both seems to work. Now snapchat heats the phone much less and works better.
Same with me Dude . I've got Xperia Z3+ which got snapdragon 810 octacore core processor ..a.dita get over heating all the times while I'm outside. Plus whenever I play game. . For that matter any game either from 400mb to 1.5GB it's same just 2min phone gets over heated and game gets stuck. Who play games while it's lagging ?? Sony never sliced my prob in past 2y since I brought phone..
My Sony xzs android phone is hitting and closed for Camera or other apps please solve my problem