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I am using the Sony Xperia XZ Premium. I have to download an app for the company I am working for to use on my phone. The app on playstore does not yet work correctly so they sent me links to download the apk files. I have downloaded the apk file but my phone just say "Can`t open file". I have tried the solution and turned the setting on to allow apps from Chrome as I downloaded the apk from chrome but still does not want to open.
I assume you're clicking the notification once downloaded? It won't allow APK install from a notification due to security, instead use a file explorer and navigate to "downloads" folder.
From there you will be able to install the APK
I tried it by browsing to "Files" and "Downloads" and still does not work.
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Anyone able to assist me in this matter please ?
@iambrandon it might be that the app isn't compatible with Android Oreo. do you have any other apk files that you can try installing?
@najodleglejszy I dont have any other apk files. I called the tech department of the application and they said it should work with android 8.0.0. I tried an apk installer application and it does not pick up any apk files though.