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x10 mini - managing contacts??

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x10 mini - managing contacts??

I have used SE handsets for over 15 years now and never felt the need to seek assistance until now.

The x10 mini is driving me mad. I have just upgraded to it on orange.

Where has all the functionality for using it as a phone gone?

I was extremely embrassed when I was trying to send details of a contact from my address book to

my friends HTC handset and failed. No bluetooth file transfer and no ability to send contacts via sms.

Does anyone know how to do this?

This so much functionality missing from basic functions: speed dialing from the number pad for example, that

I am seriously thinking about giving it back to orange.

There are lots of new functions and apps such as WiFi and GPS, maps etc but there is not enough battery life

to make them useful in real life situations.

I found the old UI on W890i much more polished with lovely touchs on the media player and photo albums. Is android all

it is cracked to be?

Please help

Very disappointed X10mini us


Have a look at the top of the discussions board at the big yellow asterisk.... basically you need to download an app called Bluetooth File Transfer then you can bluetooth your contacts. 

There is no stock way to send contacts via SMS but have a look on the android market for an app called Handcent SMS which has an option in the messaging menu for sending a contact plus its a great little sms app.

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Give it time,takes some getting used to i was the same always had SE phones. Go on to market and look for bluetooth file transfer from medieval software  + contact sender i use both and they work very well. Helix launcher is a must

enter into your browser the above address and where it says download HERE download it. Use as preferred when asked to do so. The web page tells you about it also.will save battery by 30% its the nuts. Handsent sms is a must also,you can personalise it soooo much.

Bare with the phone updates arer coming and once you get used to it you willl be more at ease. Also plenty of advice on this forum,good luck and any problems just ask.



Hi Matt, always keen to try new things.... on the Helix launcher front can you give me a bit more info.  If I don't like it, is it easy to swap back? Apart from the battery saving what does it do differently?  Will my screens look loads different? Etc, etc!!! (Did a search on a couple of the other forums but all I could find was yes use it, or stuff on rooting and thats out of my comfort zone)

Sorry to hijack the thread.. but forums are great for spreading the word!

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I here what your saying,did you read the link from the reply i sent? It does change the home screen and spilts it into 3 a home in the middle and flic left or right for the other two. You can drag and drop into any of the screens to customise as you want. As for taking it off i'm sure it would be ok , but not having uninstalled it i can be 100% but i'm sure you wont want to. Have you got the x10 mini?


Yeah had a look and have since had a search around.  Lots of people saying ADW launcher is better so will have to have a good look around.  Currently looking at vids on Youtube on both.

Will have to give this some thought before I make the leap. Bit worried about changing something 'big' on the phone and messing it up (coward!).

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You big wuss,lol it'll be fine. I like Helix but ADW does look ok too,i guess its gonna be personal choise on this one. What size memory card have you got in your x10 mini? I've had no end of problems as have many on here.

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Thanks Matt, Thanks Suze

I will give the apps you mentioned a try and see how I get on. Starting to feel a bit more positive about the phone.

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Hi there, I'm having the same issues as Matt, the phone seems to be a great little computer but has phone usage very low on its list of priorities.  Is there any way of seeing a list of all your contacts?  If anyone can help I would be soooo grateful!