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I keep getting 'Out of range' from my aino while trying to connect to my home wifi (2wire 2701HGV-E). Need help on how to solve this! Also my phone is not detected during the update service via usb-to-computer. It is stuck at the 'connect' page and doesn't move onto 'confirm'. help on this too please!
1)Wi-Fi: If you go to Main menu--Settings--Connectivity--Internet Settings--Allow local conn: make sure this is Yes.Otherwise, if this isn't the problem, switch the power off on your router and PC, power up again and try reconnecting your phone to it.
2)Update service: Re-boot your PC with your phone connected and switched on.Failing this, re-download the application and try again.
Let me know if you have any success.
1) It is already set to 'Yes' and I've tried rebooting as well. I tried to connect to my sch's open network and it works. However there is another error of 'Communication failure. Secure network connection failed'.
I'm supposed to be transferred to my sch's login page so I can use the network but that was the error that popped up.
2) Haven try yet will do so soon!
I've tried everything that u told me so far but none of them works!!!
I've tried different security settings and apparantly my phone can connect when it's open or it's set at WEP but not WPA. But this phone is still quite new it shld be able to get through WPA security! Anyone can help me here?
You need to enter your network password in your phone to connect to your router,if it's not an open network.But for your own security, you should keep the WPA security setting on your router.
yes i already have entered the password (double-checked it and done this million times) it still says 'Out of Range'. I set up WEP and put in a new password it works. I set up WPA and put in a new password but it still gives me 'Out of Range'. And yes i keyed in the password in my handphone.
I suggest you run the SE Update service on your phone and then try again.Also, see if you can connect to any other WPA-protected network whose password you know, to exclude the problem being with your router.
seems like it's my router prob as i'm able to connect to my friend's belkin wpa-secured router. however the update service(via computer) is still not able to detect my phone. there is a SEMCBOOT Download driver not found.
Since the mystery regarding WPA security seems to be a router problem, and assuming that your phone doesn't exhibit any other software issues, have you checked for an update through the phone's update service (without need for a PC)? If this tells you that you already have the latest software, then there's no need to procceed any further.If there is a new update, let the service download it directly to your phone.As for the problem with the update service application on your PC, have you tried de-installing and re-installing the application, as I suggested previously? If this still doesn't work, are you sure there are no compatibility issues with your PC? As far as not being able to connect to your router at WPA security level, this may be something that you can change in your router's security settings, or it may be an inbuilt security feature of that particular network.It may also be that for that particular network, you need to change the Wi-Fi settings in your phone for it to connect in WPA-mode.