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How can I increase the size of the icons, can I chane the number of icons on a page so the icon size increases?
The icons that you press to bring up an application on your phone, you mean...? Those are a set size - certainly on the big X10 - 4 across the screen and 5 from top to bottom. There might be an application on the Android Market that enables you to change the size of the icons, but I haven't seen one.
Some media player applications (and perhaps other things too) have a choice of different size widgets, which take up the space of 1 or more of the usual 20 spaces on the screen, but I don't suppose that is what you are asking.
I am tying to see if the size could me made comparable to that of an Iphone. Even though it is 4x5 icons, the size is rather small. I will check the android market. Thank you
I had a quick look. I didn't see anything, but if you have any luck, do please let us know so others searching for the same thign will know where to turn.
Yup, i can only find set widget sizes...
by the by 3x3 for x10 mini is awesome for clocks, gives just the right balance between clock widget and backgorund....imho.....:smileycool: