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Hi Everyone--I'm new to this forum and only just got my Xperia Mini Pro. Does anyone know if you can use voice dialling with this phone? And if so how do you activate it? I've looked thru every menu I can find!Elborath
I don't think your phone supports voice dialling as it's not mentioned in the specs or the manual.
X10 Rachel does... I don't really know about Mini or Mini Pro
so far I haven't found any voice dialing features.
I completely (not really) understand providers leaving certain features off, but to not have voice dialing is beyond me i mean its one of the oldest and earliest mobile features developed. to not have it on a smartphone boggles the mind...
although this opinion is still pending on the full exploration of my mini for voice dialing, as a smartphone's mini x10 touch screen is soooooooo not conducive to safe and responsible driving...well unless your name ends in McRay.....
I'm incline to say that like the i(diot's)Phone, the X10 is a feature phone more than a smart one.
that is either incredibly insightful (time magazine level) or dangerously sarcastic (Ricky Gervais)
...either way i love it........:smileydevil:
Only stating the facts. only stating the actual facts.