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How to change or update T9 in J20 hazel

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How to change or update T9 in J20 hazel

Hello there. I got my J20 Hazel phone and it's T9 system seems really bad. At elast in Greek language.

Before this phone, I had the w595 If I'm not misstaken, and the T9 on that phone was awesome. It adapted to my most used words. For example If I were using "548" = "Κ Α Ι" (means "and"), it suggested this word as top priority. With Hazel this is not the case. It suggest .. hmm .. not even words.

So my question is, how can I change the T9 on my Hazel? Can I somehow replace the Hazel's T9 with W595?



So, I'm guessing you bought this phone in Greece or from an Eastern European country.I don't think you can replace the T9 on the Hazel as it's part of the software, but a software update might include an improved version of predictive text.Whether there is a Java application on the market that can help you is another matter, so have a look on

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Hi there!

There is no way to add t9 to youre Hazel phone. I've contacted the SE costumer-support and they've told me so.

You could only change the firmware. But attention! If you do that by yourself, you could lose the phones waranty!