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Tried out Google maps - all I get is a blank screen - left it for a few hours and still a blank screen - 7/8 satallites seen and it knows where I am but no map shows, well a few squares in the top corner. When I try to scroll I get a white screen followed by the black screen again.
Is this a bandwidth issue with google trying to download the maps?
really bugging me
Hi there,
We've noticed your post hasn't received any responses so we're here to try and help you out.
So we may look into this, please could you confirm whether you are using the pre-installed application or a version of Google Maps downloaded from the Android Market? In the mean time, we would recommend contacting your network operator. You would need to ensure that you are using Full Access Data Account profiles to access the Internet in order for the maps to download correctly to the handset.
We hope we can help resolve this for you.
I am experiencing the same issue. The issue occurs on both the pre installed version and the updated version available from market. All my settings look ok.
What other information can I provide you with?