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Failing alarm clock

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Failing alarm clock


i got an X2 with the latest firmware (R3AA035). One of the most annoying bugs is that the alarm clock does not work always.

If an alarm clock does not work sometimes, it is utterly useless.

I have now used it to wake up in the morning. But in about one of 5 mornings it fails. There is just no alarm/sound.

I also have the impression that the automatic download of e-mails does not work always (at least not always in the night).

I have set it to connect to the e-mail server every 2 hours. But there is hardly any notification in the night. The messages

often come in right after I used the telephone in the morning.

So I assume that there is a general "wake up" problem with the device.

I also tried to correlate this problems to other known bugs, but the above problems also occur when the device is nearly

fully loaded, i do not have any observable problems with the SD card and there is no known issue with the network.

So does anybody have a useful hint how to solve this problem? Or alternatively a date for a software update? 😉

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You could check the Notifications Queue. There should be a notification for each alarm named something like:

"Start on timer


Alarm: Description if any

Daily alarm


If you have set an alarm and the notification is not there, then there will be no alarm.

If the notification is there but no alarm shows up and you are sure to have set up the alarn and soundsettings right, then I would personally reinstall the last update from SE again just to be sure all notifications are right from the beginning.

Actually it looks like this Windows version like some others create a lot of duplicates, which can be deleted.

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Well, this seems to be a good idea for further investigations to find the origin of the problem.

Emmm, there is just one additional question. Where do I find this notification queue?

I have to admit that this is my first WinMo phone.

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Yes, you need some software.

There is freeware from Scary Bear which I have used on all our pocket pc devices. You can download it here:

You can also use it to delete dublicates.

If you want some great software (not free) there is SKTools:

Another great free software is MagicButton which changes the behavior of the "X" so it really turns off a running program instead of just putting it in the background:

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so now after a few days of vacancy I have again some time to check the problem.

Unfortunately the Check_notify tool does not work on the X2. If I start ClearNotify_Install.exe on the storage card, I get the

message that this is not a valid application for pocket PC. As the original company already cancelled any work on

WM I doubt that there will be an update.

It is also funny that the original problem did not occur in the last week when I was mainly travelling.

So my (new) assumption is that this could have two reasons:

First, I have booted the device at least every second day (because it crashed when browsing via 3G or to switch it guaranteedly off

during some show).

Second, another main difference is that I did not use WLAN in that time. One of my experiences even on the first day was that

the device behaved curiously sometimes after searching for WiFi networks.

Maybe anyone can report if he feels he can confirm or deny any of these assumptions.

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Yes, I also experience this problem.

The only solution I have found is to go to  Start-Settings-Backlight-Advanced and set the phone to never turn off  when charging, and then connect the charger.

And keep the automatic backlight activated as well. It then seems to wake me every morning...

Never trust X2 to wake you without the charger connected!


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Just checked my settings, and I also have it set to never turn off when connected to a charger.

I dont use the auto backlight option.

Have the screen lock on.

The alarm works fine without connected to the charger.

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yes, I also believe that the failing alarm clock problem does not occurr, when the device is always connected to the charger.

But I do not trust the device's behaviour when connected to the charger. This is also one of the problems of the X2 discussed in

some forums. Looks like in some situation it does not stop loading the battery. I experienced myself that the device goes very

hot after some hours when loading. So I fear that the battery gets destroyed too fast when the device is connected to the charger

every night.

I experience myself also that at least two times the device hung up (did not respond any more) after removing it from the USB

cable. I do not know if the loading crashed the device of if this was the result of some (malfunctioning) synchronisation before.

Two days ago the alarm clock failed again. Just did not alarm, even after I unlocked (unswiped?) it manually. There was just

no alarm. Another theory would have been that the problem with the alarm clock could be connected to low battery status as

it also seems to be a problem that some functions of the device get unstable when under 20% battery power. But at that

special morning I checked the battery status and it was 52%, so no connection to the low power problems.

I would appreciate if Sony Ericsson would provide some official statements, if they plan to take care for the customer's

problems and provide corrections for the X2 or if it is current politics to ignore all customer complaints.

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My wife's X10 mini pro has this problem too.   It seems to not ring, unless its connected to the charger.   Twice now I disconnected it when she was sleeping (without knowing ofcourse) as it was done charging, and each time she overslept, as the phone alarm did not trigger. Slightly_frowning_Face   It's amazing, these phones can navigate, show a map of the sky, scan barcodes, update facebook.  But not wake you up in the morning. /shrug