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Double tap to wake up issue


Double tap to wake up issue

My last Xperia z3 was working perfectly with the double tap to wake up but since I have my new Xperia X the double taping to wake up doesn't work correctly. It forces me every time to tap six or seven taps till wake up. Note that :it happens with\without screen protector. I tried switch the double tap to wake up on\off several times and I also tried restarting my device several times and nothing changed??

Same problem was faced by was fixed by sys update

My Xperia X running on android N- double tap to wake works perfectly fine.Try to tap as close as possible to center of the screen.


My Xperia X running also on Android 7 but it doesn't work correctly with double tap to wake up. I tried also to tap as close as I could to the center of the screen it works with me but not as good as my x phone Xperia z3 🙁🙁

Hi @XxXxXxX, I'm sorry to hear this.

If you have enabled Tap to wake up, and you experience that your device sometimes doesn't wake up when you tap on it, try these steps one after the other. Check whether the problem was solved after each step, before trying the next one.

  • Delay tapping the screen until it has been turned off for some seconds.
  • Tap the centre of the screen, approximately 1 cm from the edges.
  • Place the device in your hand and double tap the screen.
  • Try to double tap slowly.
  • Tap the screen three times.

It responds but not from the first time.same problem it always respond but bit not always from the first time U got me.
I tried all this ways it responds better after I try to tap as close as I could to the center of the screen but still not responding from the first time always 🙁🙁🙁