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charging problem


charging problem

guys here's the catch. i just bought my brother Xperia M4 and something is really strange, the phone charges only when it's turned off but it has a stop and go while the phone is on, any suggestions on this matter is it software related or ? thx in advance 


@uliwooly well i tried directly because there's no local support here in Macedonia, whatever the problem is the customer caused it that's their general excuse and the z3 screen came off from the top not from the side, the magnetic charger i use is an original one bought it for 40 euros, and about the m4 aqua they damaged it in the service centre and when i received the it immediately turned it back and they said that i damaged the phone!!! Well i guess I'm not the only one with bad customer service from them or their authorised service centres!! All i care now is to fix the m4 problem, please read the comment fully and then figure out a way to glue the z3 and then sell the both phones and get a proper phone '! Cause I've had it with the terrible support


This is a global user based forum, there's nothing anyone can do for you here, only your Local support can help you. 


I experiment this when I use Z3+ charger to charge my M4 Aqua it's only take 1hour 45 minutes to fully.

it's safe for M4 Aqua..??