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pointer problem?


pointer problem?

well i've had my vgn-fe21s for about a year now,and so far it's ok, but i do have a slight problem ,since day 1 in faterct, this being the pointer activates and clicks it's self, so while i'm typing the cursor (which will be ahead of the my letters as i type them) will suddenly find itself buried in the text i've just typed(it happened earlier in this paragraph,i've left the typo it caused in the sentence above, the 'ter' of pointer has started typing half way through the word 'fact' on line 1.) this happens because the pointer is lying somewhere on the page vertically above or below the sentence and then suddenly the cursor is then typing in the middle of a previously written words.Some times i hear the screen click as if i've actually clicked the mouse pad myself (i use the in-built mouse). Advice gratefully received thanks.


Hi Steve,

Does this help..?

Go to Start > Control panel > Hardware and Sound > Mouse..

A mouse properties window should open..

select the Tapping Tab and make sure the Tap Off when Typing box is checked..


ive looked and it was already checked.


On the tapping tab next to the checkbox "turn off..." there is a slider.

Slide this to the right hand side and see if this helps.



done that then, although it wasn't that far away from there anyway. Thanks i'll keep monitoring it,i'm wondering if clickit's linked to the (look it's just done it again, i just typed click after 'to the' in this sentence but the comp clicked and then the word 'click' got typed in between 'if' and 'it's' in this sentence. I think the problem is down to the comp clicking and selecting to do something , my screen has click a few times while writing this but luckily it was while i was not pressing keys,also ihave static charge coming out of the comp casing for a few months now,it's similar to piezo to light the gas stove only less but you cant hold your thumb on it for long or it burns a bit.don't know if anyones had this happen to them.

also ihave static charge coming out of the comp casing for a few months now

Hi steve171274,

probably best to open a case with Vaio-Link support .. :slight_frown: