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NEED HELP! I'd Formated my Vaio Disk and cannot restore properly


NEED HELP! I'd Formated my Vaio Disk and cannot restore properly

Today I bought my brand new VGN-CR21s but since it came with lots of junk installed I formated the disc and installed Vista Ultimate. But now I can´t found the drivers anyware since the laptop has no CD´s on the package. I have made 3 dvd'd whith restore but I dont know what to do with them sind I don´t have the utilities for restoration

Any one plese help me! I am so disapointed with sony...


If you insert the first DVD from the Recovery set, it should boot from the disc into the Recovery Utility. You should be able to recover to factory settings.

However, if you explore the 3 DVDs in Windows Explorer you will find a folder \\Drivers which will hold all the necessary drivers for your Vaio.

Drivers and Utilities are usually downloadable but the ones for your model don't seem to be available yet.
