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I would like a faster hard disk


I would like a faster hard disk

My Vaio VGN-A215M is two years old and is getting a bit slow. I've put 1GB ram in it and the difference is noticeable, but I think the slowest part is the hard disk. It's a 60 GB at 4200 rpm, with 8MB cache.

I would like to replace the hard disk, but I have some questions.

1/ If I take a 5400 rpm disk, will the speed difference be noticeable? I mean, really noticeable so it was worth the money?

2/ I'm thinking about buying a 7200 rpm disk, but I'm a bit scared about the heat. Are those disks getting hot? In fact, I'm not concerned about the heat, but about the noise. I'd like keeping my laptop quiet. And if the 7200 rpm will getting hot, the fan will have to make overtime and extra noise I suppose?


Hi Carl,

The 7,200 discs are fast but can be noisy, use a lot of power and get hot.

I think you will find a 5,400 RPM disc with the new perpendicular technology is very nearly as fast without the disadvantages.

Have a look at the Seagate Momentus 5400.3



Thanks for your reply. Do you know the difference with the Seagate Momentus 5400.2? Most shops I check have the 5400.2, not the 5400.3 ...

Oh, I've googled that perpendicular technology. Seems important to get more data on a smaller surface, but what does it have to do with speed, heat and noise?


5400.3 is faster, thats the only difference

7200.1 is even faster yet, without being noisy

im waiting for 7200.2 though, which comes in 160gb PMR, should be the fastest one this year.

although the upcoming Hybrid discs seems nice too, one from Samsung and one from Seagate on its way...


How easy is it to change the hard drive on a laptop? Ive got a FS315M.