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I'm going to change my Vaio FE11H with another Vaio, but....


I'm going to change my Vaio FE11H with another Vaio, but....

My father just asked me my Vaio FE11H, so I'm thinking about buying a new one. They're just perfect for me, no doubt my next computer will be a Vaio, above all because as a photographer and web graphic designer I really enjoy that wonderful screen.
But browsing Vaio web site I notice too many series and models, I really can't understand the differences between them.

Let's try a list:

AR - 17" screens and HD. I don't need them, I want a 15".
C and CR - are they only a stylish upgrade over a standard computer? I don't mind about them
FE - what I have right now, I'm thinking to an upgrade over this series
FZ - I can't understand differences with FE line
N and NR - simplified models for everyday use?
SZ, TX and TZ - portability, lighter materials etc. I don't want to pay these extra features, I'd like to spend my money on real performances, and a standard 15,4" FE weight is right for me.
BX - would it be ok for me?

FE or FZ?



I think the FZ series has replaced the FE series.