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Vaio S2XP, Win Vista, keyboard Hotkeys - is there A solution?


Vaio S2XP, Win Vista, keyboard Hotkeys - is there A solution?

Hello folks, I tried and searched, but can't get rid of this. As the title suggests, I've got a beautiful VGN-S2XP Vaio laptop, which I recently put Vista on. Despite the common crits, I really like Vista, especially after a patient "tuning" job, makin' it a bit lighter.

Well, the problem, the only problem*, refers to my Fn keys: they don't work at all.

I've already read the whole 16 pages of the other thread, in which lots of hints are given, to make a Vaio laptop function properly with Vista, but none of them had effect. I've seen that other people with VGN-S2XPs too are waiting for something more precise... Something actually working for us.

Just to make the point: I've installed the Sony DLLs, the Shared Library, and ALL the other packages provided by Sony, both the "old" stuff, and the "Vista upgrade" stuff. At least for what we have (only a little things...) as new Vista stuff. I've also tried changing the order of installations, lots of combinations... And nothing good happened.

So... Did anyone manage to have his hotkeys work with Vista and a S2XP laptop? Even suggestions from someone who doesn't have the S2XP exactly, but had problems with the hotkeys and then FIXED them, are truly welcome.

Thanks in advance. :wink:

* Actually, that's not the ONLY problem, but it's, for me, the only truly annoying one. Other problems regard the Vaio Power Management: when you modify power settings, if you click on the Vaio tab it crashes with a rundll32 error. But I have a nice alternative with the Notebook Hardware Control software, so I don't mind (even if it would be nice to fix anyway). Last problem regards Bluetooth/WLAN switch: when I turn it in on position, both Bluetooth and WLAN get on, and the Sony Switch Utility doesn't work; they are always on together. Even this, it would be nice to fix but it's definitely secondary.


Really nobody has the solution of this...?


You don't say exactly what you have tried so it is difficult to help.

Have you installed the Vista Utilities for your S2XP from here?: -

For the function keys to work, it is important that you install them in this order: -

1. Sony Utils DLL
2. Sony Shared Library
3. VAIO Event Service
4. Setting Utility Series
5. VAIO Power Management
6. Wireless Switch Setting Utility

You may have to install them two or three times before the keys work!!
