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High temperature issue on VGN-C1S


High temperature issue on VGN-C1S

Hi guys, I know there are many threads relating to the subject of high temperatures, but can't seem to locate any via the search function. So, apologies for yet one more query on this. The right hand side of my laptop is VERY hot. I've downloaded MobileMeter and the readings are as follows: 67c and 67c [presumably C & D drives?] and HDD is 38c. Are these within normal limits? Laptop's only been on for about 10 minutes. I'd turned it off earlier as it seems hot then. Just unplogged power adaptor and drive temperatures have reduced to 56, but in the time its taken to type this [I'm fast!] the power level has reduced to 93% already. Something seems a bit strange to me. Many thanks guys


Hi guys, I know there are many threads relating to the subject of high temperatures, but can't seem to locate any via the search function.  So, apologies for yet one more query on this.  The right hand side of my laptop is VERY hot.  I've downloaded MobileMeter and the readings are as follows:  67c and 67c [presumably C & D drives?] and HDD is 38c.  Are these within normal limits?  Laptop's only been on for about 10 minutes.  I'd turned it off earlier as it seems hot then.  Just unplogged power adaptor and drive temperatures have reduced to 56, but in the time its taken to type this [I'm fast!] the power level has reduced to 93% already.  Something seems a bit strange to me.   Many thanks guys

The two temperature readings are those of the two cores in your processor. 67C is ok as the max temperature is 105C. HDD at 38C is completely normal with a max temp of 55C.

Sony have set the fan cut in very high so that you can have a quite machine but as a side affect you also get a very hot machine.

You might consider investing in one of these .



Cheers muchly Matt. I always use a glass tray underneath the laptop anyway [and I ALWAYS insist that the boys do to!], but it may well be worth investing in one of the dedicated cooler trays. It's also very useful knowing what what the outside temperature limits are for my model. Very much appreciated indeed. :wink:


Cheers muchly Matt.  I always use a glass tray underneath the laptop anyway [and I ALWAYS insist that the boys do to!], but it may well be worth investing in one of the dedicated cooler trays.  It's also very useful knowing what what the outside temperature limits are for my model.  Very much appreciated indeed. :wink:

You are very welcome :slight_smile:

67 is a bit high, but I think that's normal in Core2 CPUs?


I have a vgn-c2s laptop bouth recently, in my laptop there is also a very high temperature on the right side below the fan (my monitor programm says the cores are within range of 55-60c) and below the hard disc about what I am especially worried (43-50c) and of course I know also the maximum temperatures but one question: is it really a normal stage for this kind of laptops to warm up like this??? do other vaio owners also have the same experience???